Forest Enets

Lexical glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

1 2 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

1du (2)
1sg (3)
2pl (2)
a (1)
a bit high (1)
a lot (21)
abate (9)
abl (3)
about (43)
abuse (17)
acc (11)
accordion (1)
ache (32)
acrobat (1)
across (23)
act in film (1)
addition (2)
address (2)
adornment (3)
affair (124)
after (1)
after all (16)
after the war (1)
again (1)
ah (2)
aim (2)
airplane (14)
al'ka (9)
alik (1)
alike (77)
alitet (9)
alja (2)
all (373)
all the might (14)
all the same (77)
almost (17)
along (129)
already (289)
also (176)
always (256)
alwaysone (1)
anchor (4)
ancient (103)
and (3748)
and now (181)
and so (179)
andrej (17)
andrjushka (1)
angle (13)
animal farm (11)
anisimov (2)
another (78)
antler (38)
antoshka (4)
anxiety (2)
apachi (4)
april (11)
arkashka (3)
arm (104)
armful (1)
army (6)
arrange (1)
arrow (4)
arshine (2)
as (20)
as if (8)
ashes (8)
ashljapchikha (2)
ashljapkin (10)
ask (29)
at all (61)
at first (23)
at least (37)
at once (25)
at time (223)
attach (3)
audit (2)
august (32)
authority (1)
autumn (131)
avam (2)
awake (3)
awl (14)
ax (24)
babble (1)
back (68)
back part of the tent (1)
back side of the skin (8)
backwards (75)
bad (181)
bag (4)
bait (16)
balk (2)
ball (1)
band (5)
bang (1)
barely (6)
barge (1)
barika (3)
bark (12)
barm (1)
barrel (1)
barren female reindeer (2)
base (15)
basically (12)
basin (3)
baste (3)
bathe (5)
bay (8)
be (1312)
be adroit (1)
be afraid (77)
be amazing (1)
be angry (3)
be attached (1)
be black (43)
be born (71)
be broken off (4)
be calm (5)
be clever (1)
be cold (47)
be cramped (5)
be dark (19)
be dispersed (1)
be dressed (1)
be drunk (31)
be enough (20)
be expensive (20)
be fat (9)
be flat (17)
be frightened (27)
be frightful (36)
be full (15)
be glad (3)
be greasy (10)
be grey (1)
be hanging (11)
be hard (29)
be heard (8)
be hidden (5)
be hot (14)
be ill (42)
be improper (3)
be in excess (1)
be installed (21)
be lame (2)
be listed as (1)
be lying (1)
be lying coiled up (2)
be lying on belly (2)
be married (14)
be mixed (2)
be musty (5)
be naughty (1)
be on duty (4)
be on visit (17)
be open (3)
be pauper (8)
be placed on one another (1)
be quick (2)
be quiet (8)
be ready (8)
be red (69)
be rich (1)
be shameless (1)
be sinful (10)
be situated (13)
be slow (1)
be solid (10)
be sound (1)
be spread (4)
be straight (10)
be strong (2)
be thick (9)
be tied (1)
be tied up (22)
be torn (3)
be turned (1)
be visible (325)
be warm (2)
be wrapped (1)
be yellow (1)
be_sinful (2)
be_unaware (1)
be_visible (2)
beads (2)
bean goose (1)
bear (182)
bear spear (3)
beard (3)
beat (12)
beautiful (2)
because (18)
become (5)
become anxious (6)
become coupled (1)
become covered with larvae (1)
become deaf (5)
become fine (5)
become frozen (2)
become glad (3)
become musty (4)
become silent (2)
become smoked (1)
become soft (5)
become straight (4)
become stronger (1)
become upset (1)
bed (1)
bed curtains (6)
bedding (24)
beer (7)
beetle (4)
before (92)
begin to cry (3)
begin to move (4)
begin to think (2)
behind (273)
being under (3)
belarus (1)
bell (2)
belly (30)
beloyarsk (1)
belt (6)
bemcha (2)
bereave (2)
berry (55)
better (2)
bettu (1)
bewitched (5)
big (420)
binoculars (8)
biology (1)
birch (37)
birch bark (9)
birch wood (7)
bird (114)
birthday (1)
bite (17)
bite through (1)
biɡ (1)
bjaksha (3)
bladder (2)
blame (3)
blanket (2)
blaze up (4)
bliznjak (1)
blood (34)
board (39)
board for cutting out (2)
board for skinning (12)
boarding school (18)
boast (1)
boat (59)
body (32)
boil (2)
boil up (17)
bolin (2)
bolok (100)
bolshevik (1)
bone (59)
bonfire (18)
book (2)
boot (1)
boots (13)
border (166)
borsch (1)
bother (2)
bottle (26)
bottom (11)
bow (5)
box (14)
brain (1)
branch (8)
bread (54)
break (56)
break off (11)
break wind (3)
breast (3)
breathe (2)
brew (10)
brigade (9)
brigade leader (7)
bring (163)
bring in (6)
brinɡ (4)
broaden (3)
broken (6)
brush hair (2)
buckle (5)
bull (44)
bullet (13)
bundle (1)
bunelja (34)
burbot (2)
burn (7)
burn down (44)
burst (7)
bushes (54)
but (85)
butt (13)
butter (8)
buy (21)
buy up (4)
by force (2)
calf (54)
calibre (1)
call (50)
call by telephone (2)
calm down (7)
calmly (1)
calving (4)
camp (8)
camp place (14)
camping place (1)
can (81)
candle (1)
cane (1)
cannot (22)
canteen (2)
cape (23)
carabine (16)
caravan (3)
carcass (1)
cardboard (2)
carefully (55)
cargo (1)
carry (32)
carry over (5)
carry war (1)
carry with self (10)
cartilage (3)
cartridge (13)
case shot (1)
castrate bull (21)
catch (24)
catch up (13)
cauldron (17)
cauldron for glue (6)
causeless (2)
caviar (42)
cement (1)
centimeter (1)
centre (1)
cereals (3)
certainly (115)
chaga (2)
chain (1)
chairman (4)
chali (10)
chamber (4)
chance (1)
change (4)
channel (1)
charge (1)
cheap (2)
cheat (12)
check (1)
check traps (2)
check up (1)
chew (8)
chiba (6)
chief (69)
child (964)
chimney (5)
chock (1)
chop (3)
chop up (2)
chop up into pieces (2)
chor (10)
chukotka (2)
chum (609)
chuprov (2)
cigarette (8)
cigarettes (1)
circle (3)
circular (1)
clan (29)
clatter (3)
clay (6)
clean (34)
cleave (12)
climb (32)
climb into (37)
climb_into (1)
clock (5)
close (37)
close place (9)
cloth (43)
clothing (3)
cloud (5)
cloudberry (30)
coal (4)
coffin (10)
cognac (2)
collect (101)
coltsfoot (1)
comb (10)
come (609)
come across (1)
come autumn (1)
come close (4)
come down (197)
come out (1)
commercial (1)
common (2)
communal centre (1)
compact (1)
compel (1)
complete (2)
conclusion (1)
condemn (1)
condensed (2)
condiment (1)
confiture (3)
confusion (1)
content (62)
contr (1)
contradict (2)
cook (64)
coolness (1)
copper (11)
corn (3)
corner (1)
corral (17)
costs (1)
cotton grass (1)
cough (3)
count (15)
courses (1)
courses of brigade leaders (1)
cover (9)
cover with snow (7)
cow (3)
cowberry (11)
crack (10)
crackle (1)
cradle (22)
craftsman (1)
cramp (1)
crane (1)
creek (7)
criminal officer (9)
criticize (8)
cross (2)
crow (5)
crowberry (1)
crumb (4)
crumble up (1)
crush (3)
cry (76)
cry out (6)
crystal tea ledum (1)
cub (11)
cuckoo (34)
culprit (1)
cup (1)
curry (3)
curve (2)
curved (19)
custom (38)
cut (111)
cut out (10)
cutlet (2)
dad (4)
damn (2)
damp (2)
dangerous (1)
dangle (3)
dark (1)
dashka (4)
dat (29)
date (6)
daughter in law (11)
day (237)
dead (15)
debt (4)
deceased (20)
december (10)
deep (18)
deep place (4)
defecate (1)
delivery (2)
demand (3)
denounce (1)
dense (2)
depart (4)
dicfficult (2)
die (113)
diesel fuel (2)
difficult (1)
dig out (6)
diligent (1)
dilute (2)
dipper (3)
dir (1405)
direct (5)
direction (1)
director (6)
dirt (4)
disaster (7)
dispute (1)
district (3)
disturb (2)
djarane (4)
djoa (25)
djuchi (1)
do (505)
doctor (7)
dog (170)
dolgan (1)
dolgannyj (1)
doll (6)
donik (1)
door (37)
drag (14)
drag out (5)
dream (17)
dress (3)
drift with snow (4)
drill (2)
drink (3)
drink tea (49)
drip (5)
drive (9)
drive out (14)
drop (2)
drug addict (1)
drum (1)
dry fish (18)
dry out (37)
dry up (55)
du (205)
duck (15)
dudinka (51)
dunaj (2)
during (24)
duty (1)
eagle (3)
ear (31)
ear rings (1)
earthworm (5)
easier (2)
easy (10)
eat (486)
eat raw (4)
edge (16)
edging (3)
educator (2)
effort (22)
egg (29)
eh (2)
eight (10)
eight hundred (1)
eighty (2)
elder (1)
elder brother (17)
elder sister (14)
electric (1)
electric main (2)
elias day (2)
elja (3)
elk (13)
ember goose (16)
embrace (2)
empty (1)
encircle (49)
enclose (1)
enclosure (2)
end (57)
enets (742)
enets people (2)
engaged (1)
enigma (5)
enlarge (1)
enough (32)
entangle (6)
enter (43)
ermine (9)
escape from (2)
especially (33)
even (205)
even more so (6)
evening (56)
evenki (68)
every (104)
everywhere (7)
evil (106)
exactly (14)
except (3)
excrement (10)
exist (1327)
expert examination (3)
explain (21)
extent (51)
extinguish (1)
eye (107)
face (17)
fall (21)
fall asleep (67)
fall down (62)
fall ill (19)
fall into fishing net (83)
fall into net (6)
fall night (25)
fall on ones belly (5)
fall silent (4)
fall through (4)
family (14)
fasten (5)
fastener (3)
fat (36)
father (346)
fawn (4)
february (2)
feed (33)
feel acute pains (2)
feel sorry for (14)
female animal (5)
female breast (10)
female reindeer (29)
fence (2)
fetlock (4)
fever (1)
fifteenth (1)
fifth (5)
fifty (10)
fight (8)
fill (1)
fill in (12)
film (2)
find (232)
find difficulty (1)
find room (8)
fine (4)
finger (11)
fingernail (8)
finish (54)
fire (90)
first (88)
fish (492)
fish factory (2)
fish with seine (12)
fisherman (4)
fishing control (2)
fishing net (385)
fishing rod (15)
fist (1)
fit (12)
five (41)
fix (1)
flame up (4)
flap (9)
flask (1)
flat (3)
flay (1)
flick (5)
flicker (2)
flinch (1)
float (14)
flour (26)
flow down (2)
flu (1)
flue (10)
flux (1)
fly (84)
fly away (1)
foc (17)
focus (1)
fog (7)
fokina (8)
follow one another (2)
food (4)
foodstuff (46)
fool (2)
foot (2)
footprint (7)
footstep (15)
for (39)
for a long time (271)
for example (4)
for the time being (24)
force (24)
forehead (7)
foreigner (1)
forest (90)
forever (2)
forget (63)
form a group (1)
former (8)
formerly (1)
four (79)
fourth (1)
fourty (5)
fox (22)
freak (45)
freely (1)
freeze (58)
fresh (2)
friday (4)
frighten (36)
fringe (1)
from (20)
from there (2)
from under (13)
front (110)
front reindeer (3)
frostbite (2)
fry (5)
frying pan (2)
fugitive prisoner (8)
full (20)
fun (1)
fur boots (3)
fur shoe (8)
fur stocking (6)
furthermore (1)
gadfly (18)
garbage (3)
garlic (2)
gas pipeline (6)
gather (4)
gee (1)
gen (5)
gena (15)
genka (15)
german (8)
get (25)
get angry (4)
get dark (5)
get dirty (1)
get hungry (3)
get lost (4)
get tired (15)
get up (136)
get used (16)
get wet (18)
ghost (1)
giant (71)
gift (2)
gills (2)
girl (15)
give (104)
give birth (5)
glade (2)
glass (2)
glide (3)
glitter (2)
glue (18)
glutton (21)
go (769)
go away (3)
go back (14)
go bad (1)
go crazy (8)
go down (5)
go for (44)
go for water (10)
go into net (2)
go out (1)
go round (11)
go whirling (1)
goggle (1)
gold (5)
golden (1)
good (544)
goose (29)
grade (13)
granddaughter (1)
grandfather (103)
grandmother (67)
granny (7)
grasp (223)
grass (39)
gratis (1)
grave (2)
great bilberry (8)
greedy (11)
greet (1)
groin (3)
grow (107)
grow numb (1)
grow thin (2)
grow up (40)
grudge (1)
grunja (2)
guard (3)
guide (1)
guilty (2)
gull (6)
gun (34)
gusev (4)
ha ha (1)
hair (70)
half (36)
hammer (3)
hand (3)
handle (7)
hang (17)
hang down (2)
hanɡ (1)
happen misfortune (2)
hard (2)
hardly (11)
hare (34)
harm (1)
harness (50)
hasten (1)
hat (16)
hatching bird (1)
have aching (1)
have luck (1)
have price (3)
have to (11)
he (349)
head (98)
head of administration (2)
health (1)
hear (72)
heart (52)
heat (7)
heat up (6)
helicopter (46)
help (18)
help sometimes (37)
hen (1)
hen legs (2)
herd (40)
here (2183)
herring (5)
hey (4)
hide (39)
high (5)
hill (55)
hill ridge (49)
hinder (3)
hinge (3)
hip (1)
hire (4)
hired labourer (2)
hit (31)
hold (46)
hold up (1)
hole (156)
holy (2)
holy place (2)
honey (2)
honorarium (1)
hoof (1)
hook (8)
hope (1)
horse (3)
hospital (20)
hospital nurse (3)
hour (10)
house (85)
how (562)
how much (143)
howl (6)
huge (40)
hummock (3)
humpbacked (1)
hunchback salmon (1)
hundred (12)
hungry (1)
hunt (134)
hunter (24)
hunting tackle (3)
hurry up (5)
hypodermic (1)
i do not know (32)
ice (69)
ice crow bar (12)
ice hole (16)
ice house (1)
icons (2)
idol (84)
if (27)
igarka (7)
ignorant (1)
igor (3)
il'ja (5)
iljushka (4)
illness (15)
imagine (1)
importune (6)
in (48)
in fact (1)
in front (5)
in half (1)
in my opinion (2)
in order to (53)
in south (1)
in sum (28)
in the direction (239)
in vain (3)
incorrectly (1)
indeed (98)
independent (1)
industrial centre (3)
inflammation (3)
inflatable boat (6)
injection (2)
inner part (175)
inner_part (2)
insane (1)
install (65)
instead of (3)
institute (10)
insufficiently (39)
integralsojuz (2)
interesting (8)
intereting (1)
interlace (1)
intestine (20)
into (307)
invalid (1)
irinka (1)
iron (211)
island (11)
it is possible (6)
it seems (2)
it turned out (2)
itch (2)
ivan (3)
ivanov (7)
ivanushka (1)
january (3)
janygal (2)
jar (23)
jarsa (9)
jarsin (1)
jarujch (1)
jaw (3)
join (2)
joint (3)
joint tumor (1)
joke (5)
juchi (2)
juice (5)
jump (53)
june (6)
jura (1)
jurka (14)
jurlov (8)
just (41)
just now (75)
jut out (1)
kamus (54)
kanaev (1)
kapron (7)
karaul (1)
kat'ka (8)
katja (7)
katjusha (1)
katjushka (4)
katyku (7)
kayerkan (1)
keep silence (18)
keep vigil (37)
keep watch (1)
keshka (4)
kettle (9)
khakas (1)
khansu (1)
khantajka (9)
khantajskij (1)
khatanga (2)
kheta (18)
khischnik (1)
khjatku (1)
kidney (4)
kilogram (5)
kilometre (10)
kirov (3)
kissel (1)
kitchen (1)
knee (5)
knife (64)
knjaz' (5)
knob (8)
knot (2)
know (213)
kodla (7)
kol'ka (2)
kolja (3)
kolkhoz (40)
kolkhoznik (1)
komposhljaj (2)
korchagin (2)
koshkosh (6)
kostik (6)
kou (4)
krasnojarsk (3)
kucha (1)
kuprijan (2)
kuprijanovich (2)
la la la (8)
lacerated (6)
lad (2)
laida (20)
lake (272)
lamp (5)
lamprey (7)
land surveyor (1)
landrover (4)
language (592)
lantern (3)
lap (3)
lapshejka (1)
lapushkin (1)
larch (20)
larva (2)
lasso (76)
last (32)
last year (11)
later (1)
lath (1)
laugh (24)
lauglaugh (1)
launch (3)
law (1)
lay (7)
lay together (3)
layer (3)
lazy (7)
lead (26)
leaden bullet (1)
leaf (30)
lean (1)
learn (2)
leave (1533)
leave behind (89)
leave riding (26)
leavings (18)
left (7)
leg (136)
length (15)
lengthen (1)
less (2)
let go (13)
let pass (1)
let us (3)
leɡ (1)
lick oneself (1)
lie (114)
lie down (15)
lie flat (1)
life (9)
light (38)
light blue (1)
like (29)
likewise (60)
line (1)
lip (8)
listen (32)
litre (4)
little (31)
little bird (11)
little lantern (1)
little later (21)
little tent (13)
live (769)
liver (3)
liza (5)
ljon'ka (39)
ljuba (11)
ljubka (2)
ljudka (5)
ljulja (2)
load (2)
loc (789)
local (2)
log (2)
long (105)
long ago (2)
long rope (2)
look (110)
look for (50)
loop (15)
loose (11)
lounge (8)
louse (15)
low (1)
lower course (2)
lower part (93)
lump (1)
lunch (2)
luzino (2)
lyrmin (6)
machine (6)
made of skin (1)
main (9)
mainly (9)
majka (1)
majority (1)
make (294)
make a hole (5)
make foul (1)
make hole (5)
make patch (4)
make perspired (2)
make smooth (2)
makhorka (3)
maksim (15)
man (847)
mane (1)
many (359)
map (3)
march (8)
marija nikolaevna (1)
marinka (1)
mark (5)
marrow (7)
marry (1)
marsh (11)
marsh lake (9)
masha (9)
master (3)
mat bag (2)
match (2)
matchmaker (14)
mate (6)
mature (20)
may (18)
maybe (79)
measure (1)
meat (111)
meat grinder (2)
medical assistant (4)
medicinal (1)
medicine (1)
meet (2)
melt (2)
melted (2)
merchant (3)
merganser (1)
metabisulfite (2)
meter (13)
mi (2)
mi 4 (1)
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s (353)
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tundra enets (19)
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tv set (4)
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two (340)
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ɡo (4)
ɡood (3)