Forest Enets

Lexical glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: almost. 17 total hits in 13 transcripts.
UrodlivyjMys_rad (1)
nɛkujur kitʃeØ
nɛk-ju-r kitʃe-Ø
other-RESTR.ADJ-NOM.SG.2SG almost-3SG.S
другой-RESTR.ПРИЛ-NOM.ЕД.2ЕД almost-3ЕД.S
one of them almost
один из них чуть
kitSi тут вносит, что не вполноте он обладал такими данными
SluchaiMedvediVolki (4)
tuzuʔɔʔ pɔtʃtʲi
tuzus-ʔ pɔtʃtʲi
be:fat(ipfv)-3PL.S almost
be:fat(ipfv)-3МН.S almost
They are almost fat.
Они почти жирные.
Porne (1)
kitʃezʔ, tu taxane kexoz kitʃezʔ sɔʔɔʔ
kitʃe-zʔ tu taxa-ne kiu-xoz kitʃe-zʔ sɔʔɔ-ʔ
almost-3SG.M fire behind-LOC.ADJ side-ABL.SG almost-3SG.M jump(pfv)-CONNEG
almost-3ЕД.M огонь за-ЛОК.ПРИЛ сторона-АБЛ.ЕД almost-3ЕД.M прыгать(pfv)-КОННЕГ
She almost jumped from the other side of the fire.
Чуть, с другой стороны огня она чуть было не прыгнула.
The bears, the food sledge and the helicopter (1)
muʃuz kitʃeeʔ kajiʔ
mo-ʃuz kitʃe-aʔ kaji-ʔ
PLC-CAR1 almost-1PL.S/SG.OBJ stay:behind(pfv)-CONNEG
PLC-CAR1 almost-1МН.S/ЕД.ОБ stay:behind(pfv)-КОННЕГ
We almost stayed without food.
Мы чуть не остались без еды.
A clever dog (1)
kitʃez kajiʔ
kitʃe-z kaji-ʔ
almost-2SG.NON.SG.OBJ leave:behind(pfv)-CONNEG
almost-2ЕД.NON.ЕД.ОБ leave:behind(pfv)-КОННЕГ
you almost left
ты чуть не оставила
ZolotajaRybka (1)
nɛlʲukuxiz kitʃenaʔ ɔlaʔ ...
nɛlʲuku-xiz kitʃe-naʔ ɔ-ra-ʔ *...
midge-DAT.PL almost-1PL.M eat(pfv)-CAUS2-CONNEG ***
midge-ДАТ.МН almost-1МН.M есть(pfv)-CAUS2-КОННЕГ ***
We were almost eaten by the midges.
Чуть нас мошка не съела.
в конце неразборчиво
Mushrooms and berries (1)
patʃtʲi ʃize tistʃi ... ɛubiʔ
pɔtʃtʲi ʃize tistʃi *... ɛ-ubi-ʔ
almost two thousand *** be(ipfv)-HAB-3PL.S
almost два ттысяча *** быть(ipfv)-ХАБ-3МН.S
There happened to be two thousands.
Почти две тысячи бывало.
KakajaRabota (1)
buranoza pɔtʃtʲi kaʒdij entʃeɡin tɔneʔ nʲimʔ
buran-za pɔtʃtʲi kaʒdij entʃeu-xin tɔne-ʔ i-mʔ
snowmobile-NOM.PL.3SG almost every person-LOC.PL there:is(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR
snowmobile-NOM.МН.3ЕД almost каждый человек-ЛОК.МН there:is(ipfv)-КОННЕГ НЕГ-3МН.S.CONTR
Almost all people have snowmobiles.
Бураны-то почти у каждого человека есть ведь.
Feeding a bird (1)
ʃizinʲʔ kitʃeØ batartaʔ
ʃizinʲʔ kitʃe-Ø bata-ru-ta-ʔ
we(du).ACC almost-3SG.S pour:out(pfv)-INCH-CAUS4-CONNEG
we(du).АКК almost-3ЕД.S pour:out(pfv)-ИНХ-CAUS4-КОННЕГ
He almost overturned us.
Он чуть нас не опрокинул.
Moving camps in the past (1)
karabinxon ŋulʲ ʃiʔ kitʃeØ kazaʔ
karabin-xon ŋulʲ ʃiʔ kitʃe-Ø kaza-ʔ
carabine-LOC.SG very I.ACC almost-3SG.S obtain(pfv)-CONNEG
carabine-ЛОК.ЕД очень I.АКК almost-3ЕД.S obtain(pfv)-КОННЕГ
He almost killed me from the carabine.
Из карабина он меня чуть не убил.