Forest Enets

Lexical glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

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Search: sg. 449 total hits in 111 transcripts.
Shamana_od (8)
ʃit, ʃit, ʃit ɔdʲ piriʔɛzʔ
ʃit ʃit ʃit ɔ-ʃ piris-zʔ
you(sg).ACC you(sg).ACC you(sg).ACC eat(pfv)-CVB can(ipfv)-1SG.S
ты(sg).АКК ты(sg).АКК ты(sg).АКК есть(pfv)-КОНВ can(ipfv)-1ЕД.S
I can eat you.
Я тебя могу съесть.
A contemporary chat (3) (1)
anʲ u, u dʲɔrirʔ, u dʲɔrirʔ
anʲ u u dʲɔrir-ʔ u dʲɔrir-ʔ
and you(sg) you(sg) talk(ipfv)-2SG.S.IMP you(sg) talk(ipfv)-2SG.S.IMP
and ты(sg) ты(sg) talk(ipfv)-2ЕД.S.ИМП ты(sg) talk(ipfv)-2ЕД.S.ИМП
You, you speak, you speak!
Ты, ты говори, ты говори!
An Enets and a Russian (3) (17)
u nɔzud, manaØ
u nɔzud man-Ø
you(sg) you(sg).ABL say(pfv)-3SG.S
ты(sg) ты(sg).АБЛ сказать(pfv)-3ЕД.S
and to you, he said
а тебе, он сказал
Razgovory (3)
How trousers were burnt down (3)
uɡadala muxon
u-ɡa-u-da-u-ra mo-xon
it guessed where
угадала, где
uɡadala is in Russian-uɡadala по-русски
Life in tundra (3)
A man and the one-legged woman (3)
modʲ u ʃit ɔteʃ lɔziʔubizʔ
modʲ u ʃit ɔte-ʃ lɔzis-ubi-zʔ
1SG you(sg) you(sg).ACC wait(ipfv)-CVB cannot(pfv)-HAB-1SG.S
1ЕД ты(sg) ты(sg).АКК ждать(ipfv)-КОНВ не:мочь(pfv)-ХАБ-1ЕД.S
I cannot wait for you.
Я не могу тебя ждать.
Interview_tdnt (29)
u, u ɔnɛj mɛʔ pɔnʲiŋaʔ
u u ɔnɛj mɛzu pɔnʲir-ʔ
you(sg) you(sg) Enets chum do(ipfv)-3PL.S
ты(sg) ты(sg) Enets chum делать(ipfv)-3МН.S
Do they live in your tent?
Они живут в твоем чуме?
Nicknames (3)
u, u pɔtabud, ɛtɔ, dʲazad
u u pɔtab-d ɛtɔ dʲazu-d
you(sg) you(sg) Potapovo-DAT.SG so go(ipfv)-2SG.S
ты(sg) ты(sg) Potapovo-ДАТ.ЕД так идти(ipfv)-2ЕД.S
Do you go to Potapovo?
Ты в Потапово идешь?
Olasne_1_rad (17)
ʃit dʲɔbudazʔ, ʃit nɔʔɔdazʔ, ʃit ɔdazʔ
ʃit dʲɔbu-da-zʔ ʃit nɔʔɔ-da-zʔ ʃit ɔ-da-zʔ
you(sg).ACC catch:up(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S you(sg).ACC grasp(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S you(sg).ACC eat(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S
ты(sg).АКК catch:up(pfv)-ФУТ-1ЕД.S ты(sg).АКК схватить(pfv)-ФУТ-1ЕД.S ты(sg).АКК есть(pfv)-ФУТ-1ЕД.S
I will get you, I will catch you, I will eat you!
Я тебя догоню, я тебя поймаю, я тебя съем!