Forest Enets

Suffix glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: inc1. 478 total hits in 167 transcripts.
KakShitUntajki_II_2 (1)
lɔsa bazaan madʲ, nʲitkʲi dʲelalʲi
rosa baza-ɔn man-ʃ *nʲitkʲ-i dʲe-u-ra-u-ru
Russian language-PROL.SG say(pfv)-CVB ***-M ache(ipfv)-INC1-CAUS2-INC1-RESTR
русский язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД сказать(pfv)-КОНВ ***-M ache(ipfv)-INC1-CAUS2-INC1-RESTR
to say it in Russian, we made tendons
по-русски говоря, нитки делали
nʲitkʲi dʲelalʲi is in Russian-nʲitkʲi dʲelalʲi по-русски
PrimetyVPrirode_rad (2)
jarim dʲa bikon
*-i-a-u-ra-i-u dʲa bizu-xon
***-M-NMLZ1-INC1-CAUS2-M-INC1 place water-LOC.SG
***-M-NMLZ1-INC1-CAUS2-M-INC1 место вода-ЛОК.ЕД
... with the water from the soil
... земляной водой
jarim is unclear-jarim неясно; что такое jarim, ВН не знает; земляная вода-родник, т.е. которая бьет из земли, по смыслу тут важно, что она самая чистая
How trousers were burnt down (1)
uɡadala muxon
u-ɡa-u-da-u-ra mo-xon
it guessed where
угадала, где
uɡadala is in Russian-uɡadala по-русски
Razgovor_RybalkaNizovjja (4)
ɛke tralɔm
ɛke *-t-ra-u-ru-a-u
with a drag-net
это тралом
tralɔm is in Russian-tralɔm по-русски
Myshi (6)
He died.
Он умер.
SbezhavshyeZakljuchjonnye (2)
ped ɔzimaØ
pɔd ɔzi-u-Ø
always be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3SG.S
всегда be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3ЕД.S
He went out.
На улицу вышел.
Olasne_1_rad (6)
she appeared
она появилась
Two women (1)
ped ɔzimaØ
pɔd ɔzi-u-Ø
always be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3SG.S
всегда be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3ЕД.S
She went outdoors.
Она вышла на улицу.
KukushkaLjdina_ips (2)
tɔrse iseej nʲeɔn ɔzimaØ
tɔrse izeej nʲeɔn ɔzi-u-Ø
such camp:place along be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3SG.S
such camp:place вдоль be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3ЕД.S
there appeared on such a site
на таком стойбище появилась
A man and the one-legged woman (7)
kati ɔzimaØ
kati ɔzi-u-Ø
girl be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3SG.S
girl be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-3ЕД.S
a girl appeared
девушка вышла