Forest Enets

Suffixes in Forest Enets

This list of suffixes found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: xoz. 1245 total hits in 235 transcripts.
RodyObrjad (3)
tɔz tʃikoz
tɔz tʃike-xoz
so this-ABL.SG
так этот-АБЛ.ЕД
And then
Ну потом
Along the Yenissey river (2) (8)
tɔz tʃikoz anʲ
tɔz tʃike-xoz anʲ
so this-ABL.SG and
так этот-АБЛ.ЕД and
and then
а потом
KakUkrali (3)
ɛɛ, tɔz tʃikoz
ɛɛ tɔz tʃike-xoz
yes so this-ABL.SG
yes так этот-АБЛ.ЕД
yes, and then
да, потом
SbezhavshyeZakljuchjonnye (11)
nɔrilʲskaxaz ʃeblɔnse
nɔrilʲska-xoz ʃeblɔnse
Noril'sk-ABL.SG fugitive:prisoner
Noril'sk-АБЛ.ЕД fugitive:prisoner
fugitives from Norilsk
из Норильска беглые
RodyVTundre (11)
tɔz tʃikoz
tɔz tʃike-xoz
so this-ABL.SG
так этот-АБЛ.ЕД
KakDelatjJukolu (7)
tɔz tʃikoz
tɔz tʃike-xoz
so this-ABL.SG
так этот-АБЛ.ЕД
A forest enets dialog (4)
tɔtʃkoz toniz
tɔtʃkoz toni-xoz
then there(dir)-ABL.SG
тогда там(dir)-АБЛ.ЕД
then from there
затем оттуда
MoreoOlasneKomary_ips (4)
a tʃikuxoz tɔxɔzʔ tʃi
a tʃike-xoz tɔxɔzʔ tʃi
and this-ABL.SG and:now here
and этот-АБЛ.ЕД and:now здесь
and then
а потом вот
KakRansheZhili_au (13)
from the Russian
у русского
Olasne_1_rad (13)
dʲuba ne kexozo
dʲuba ne kiu-xoz
warm side side-ABL.SG
теплый сторона сторона-АБЛ.ЕД
from the warm side
с теплой стороны
слышно kexozu