Forest Enets

Suffix glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

A list of of abbreviations used for the English glosses found in the texts is accessible from the help menu.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: inter. 599 total hits in 158 transcripts.
Fish and chitchat (2) (1)
ɛke anʲ kɔru ɛsaØ
ɛke anʲ kɔru ɛ-sa-Ø
this and knife be(ipfv)-INTER-3SG.S
этот and нож быть(ipfv)-ИНТЕР-3ЕД.S
Is this a knife?
Это разве ножик?
Who speaks which languages (9)
did you speak?
ты разговаривал?
Repairing the fishing nets (7)
they left?
KakShitUntajki_I_2 (2)
maybe when I cut
может, когда я разрезала
Olasne_tdnt (14)
oka pɔ kanʲesauʔ
oka pɔ kanʲe-sa-uʔ
many year leave(pfv)-INTER-3SG.S.CONTR
много год оставить(pfv)-ИНТЕР-3ЕД.S.CONTR
Probably, many years passed.
Наверное, много лет прошло.
An Enets and a Russian (5)
tʃej tʃike ɔbu kosaxiʔ anʲ
tʃe-j tʃike ɔbu ko-sa-xiʔ anʲ
yesterday-ADJ this what find(pfv)-INTER-3DU.S and
yesterday-ПРИЛ этот что найти(pfv)-ИНТЕР-3ДВ.S and
what they found yesterday so
то, что они вчера вот нашли
An Enets and a Russian (2) (7)
tɔɔ ɛsauʔ
tɔɔ ɛ-sa-uʔ
summer be(ipfv)-INTER-3SG.S.CONTR
лето быть(ipfv)-ИНТЕР-3ЕД.S.CONTR
Maybe it was summer.
Может быть, было лето.
Polylogue_ips (9)
... kunʲ dʲirie ɛsaØ
*... kunʲi dʲiri-a ɛ-sa-Ø
*** how live(ipfv)-NMLZ1 be(ipfv)-INTER-3SG.S
*** как жить(ipfv)-NMLZ1 быть(ipfv)-ИНТЕР-3ЕД.S
... how the life was
... как жизнь была
Wild reindeer (8)
ejub ɔbu mosna kezerʔ ɛsaʔ
ejub ɔbu mosna kezeru-ʔ ɛ-sa-ʔ
last:year what a:lot wild:reindeer-PL be(ipfv)-INTER-3PL.S
last:year что a:lot дикий:олень-МН быть(ipfv)-ИНТЕР-3МН.S
What kind of wild reindeer were there last year?
В прошлом году какие дикие были?
в смысле по количеству
The one legged woman (3)
u te nad mɔrutasad
u te nadu mɔrus-ta-sa-d
you(sg) reindeer antler break(pfv)-CAUS4-INTER-2SG.S
ты(sg) олень antler break(pfv)-CAUS4-ИНТЕР-2ЕД.S
Did you break the reindeer antlers?
Ты ломал оленям рога?
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