Forest Enets

Lexical glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

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Search: enets. 742 total hits in 145 transcripts.
Chat with a girl (1)
ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔriɡujʔ
ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-xu-jʔ
Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-HORT-1DU.S/SG.OBJ
Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД talk(ipfv)-ХОРТ-1ДВ.S/ЕД.ОБ
Let's speak Enets.
Давай будем говорить по-энецки.
The sick reindeer, the bear and the toddler (3)
ɔnɛj mɛʔ pɔnʲirʔ nʲebamʔ
ɔnɛj mɛzu pɔnʲir-ʔ i-bamʔ
Enets chum do(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.CONTR
Enets chum делать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ НЕГ-1МН.S/ЕД.ОБ.CONTR
We lived in chums indeed.
Мы ведь жили в чумах.
имеется в виду, что тогда жили
Nikolskoe road (1)
tɔnneda ɔnɛj tɔɔturaʃ
tɔnane-da ɔnɛj tɔɔtura-ʃ
once-OBL.SG.3SG Enets summer:road-3SG.S.PST
однажды-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД Enets summer:road-3ЕД.S.ПРОШ
Formerly it really was a summer road.
Раньше это была настоящая летняя дорога.
Moving fishing net (1)
ɔnɛj kare dʲaɡØ
ɔnɛj kare dʲaɡo-Ø
Enets fish there:is:no-3SG.S
Enets рыба there:is:no-3ЕД.S
There is no white fish.
Белой рыбы нет.
т.е. белой
How to go back (1)
ɔnɛj mɔraxada, mɔraxada
ɔnɛj mɔra-d-da mɔra-d-da
Enets shore-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG shore-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG
Enets shore-ДАТ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД shore-ДАТ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД
right to the shore, to the shore
прямо на берег, на берег
Fishes species (1)
ɔnɛj kare pajxa
ɔnɛj kare pajxa
Enets fish peled
Enets рыба peled
the true fish is peled
настоящая рыба-пелядка
Our idol (1)
karabin pulʲa ɔnɛj
karabin pulʲa ɔnɛj
carabine bullet Enets
carabine bullet Enets
true carabine bullets
пули от карабина настоящие
Preparing reindeer meat (1)
ɔnɛj mɛkon dʲiribuʔujnʲʔ
ɔnɛj mɛzu-xon dʲiri-buʔuj-nʲʔ
Enets chum-LOC.SG live(ipfv)-CVB.SML-OBL.SG.1SG
Enets chum-ЛОК.ЕД жить(ipfv)-КОНВ.СИМ-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД
and if we live in a tent
а когда мы живем в чуме
A contemporary chat (3) (5)
ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔxaraØ
ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔxara-Ø
Enets language-PROL.SG not:know(ipfv)-3SG.S
Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД не:знать(ipfv)-3ЕД.S
He does not know Enets.
Он энецкого языка не знает.
Who speaks which languages (19)
ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔridʲ
ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-ʃ
Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-CVB
Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД talk(ipfv)-КОНВ
speak Enets
по-энецки говорить