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Forest Enets
Gloss (English)
Gloss (Russian)
In this short audio recording, an Enets speaker tells the story of a woman who had several dogs. Everyday she cooked meat or fish meals for them but the greedy dogs would fight and one day, one of them bit her on the leg.Â
Recording: The text was recorded in Potapovo in 2008 by Andrey Shluinsky. It was transcribed by Sergey Trubetskoy with the help of Ivan Silkin and glossed by Andrey Shluinsky.
- ld080816_StaruxaSobaki (632 kB)
- ld080816_StaruxaSobaki_toolbox.txt (8 kB)
- unknownkudaxaaj badunkudaxaa-j bɔdu-xonfor:a:long:time-ADJ tundra-LOC.SGfor:a:long:time-ПРИЛ тундра-ЛОК.ЕДLong ago in tundraДавно в тундре
- unknownmenʃiku ...an old womanстаруха
- unknownmenʃikuan old womanстаруха
- unknownbunkiza ɔtaɡoʃ pɛʔ nʲiuʔbegan feeding her dogs.свои собак кормить начала.
- unknownbunkiza muz piridumubiØShe always cooked food for her dogs.Она всегда варила еду для собак.
- unknownpiridumbiØ peri, kare piridaØ, ɔza muʔShe always cooked, she would cook fish, these from meatОна всегда варила, рыбу сварит, от мяса эти
- unknownɔsa pusuj ɛzaØ, kare pusuj ɛzaØThis can be pieces of meat, can be pieces of fish.Это могут быть, кусочки мяса, может быть, кусочки рыбыСорокина: пусуй-крошка, крошки
- unknownŋolʲud dʲedroubizaShe mixed it all together.Вместе она смешивала это.Helimski: d'edero--примешать
- unknown... bunkiza ɔtaɡɔʃ pɛɛØShe began feeding her dogs.Она начала кормить собак.there is one more word in the very beginning, it is unclear
- unknownpɛʔ nʲiuʔ, bunkiʔ tʃike tarakuʔ nʲimʔShe began, and these dogs began fightingОна начала, а собаки эти подрались
- unknownoomaduʔ ʃerwhile they ateпока они ели
- unknownbunikʔ tarudaxad bunikʔ kexon nezaraxabiØWhile the dogs were fighting, she was standing near the dogs.Пока собаки дрались, она стояла возле собак.
- unknownŋɔxazda kerta bunkiza, ŋɔxazda sɛkrubiza, menseTo her leg her own dog, dit her to her leg, the old woman.За ногу ее же собака, за ногу ее укусила, старуху.
- unknownsɛuɡudɔu mɔzuŋaʃShe was lame for a long time.Она долго хромала.