\_sh v3.0 400 Text \ref LD080816_STAR_001 \ELANBegin 00:00:00.680 \ELANEnd 00:00:02.250 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \speaker Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin-Леонид Дмитриевич Болин \recorder Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \translator Ivan Ivanovich Silkin-Иван Иванович Силкин \annotator_preliminary Sergey Trubetskoy-Сергей Трубецкой \annotator_toolbox Andrey Shluinsky-Андрей Шлуинский \tx_lat_for_toolbox kudaxaaj badun \mb kudaxaa-j bɔdu-xon \ge for:a:long:time-ADJ tundra-LOC.SG \ps adv-adjs loc-case-num \ger долго-ADJ тундра-LOC.SG \ft_r Давно в тундре \ft_e Long ago in tundra \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription kudaxaj badun \ft_r_during_transcription раньше в тундре \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_002 \ELANBegin 00:00:03.510 \ELANEnd 00:00:04.570 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox menʃiku ... \mb \ft_r старуха \ft_e an old woman \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription menʃiku \ft_r_during_transcription старуха \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_003 \ELANBegin 00:00:05.180 \ELANEnd 00:00:06.090 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox menʃiku \ft_r старуха \ft_e an old woman \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription menʃixu \ft_r_during_transcription старуха \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_004 \ELANBegin 00:00:06.820 \ELANEnd 00:00:08.630 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bunkiza ɔtaɡoʃ pɛʔ nʲiuʔ \ft_r свои собак кормить начала. \ft_e began feeding her dogs. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription bunkiza ɔtaɡuʃ penʲuː \ft_r_during_transcription собак кормить начала \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_005 \ELANBegin 00:00:09.530 \ELANEnd 00:00:12.810 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bunkiza muz piridumubiØ \ft_r Она всегда варила еду для собак. \ft_e She always cooked food for her dogs. \tx_lat bunkiza \tx_lat_during_transcription bunkida muz piriduːbi \ft_r_during_transcription для собак всегда варила \lit_trans PLC for dogs \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_006 \ELANBegin 00:00:13.850 \ELANEnd 00:00:16.850 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox piridumbiØ peri, kare piridaØ, ɔza muʔ \ft_r Она всегда варила, рыбу сварит, от мяса эти \ft_e She always cooked, she would cook fish, these from meat \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription piridumbi, kare pirida, ɔza mu \ft_r_during_transcription всегда варила, то рыбу сварит, то от мяса отбросы \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_007 \ELANBegin 00:00:17.570 \ELANEnd 00:00:20.760 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ɔsa pusuj ɛzaØ, kare pusuj ɛzaØ \ft_r Это могут быть, кусочки мяса, может быть, кусочки рыбы \ft_e This can be pieces of meat, can be pieces of fish. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔza pusuj eza, kare pusuj eza \ft_r_during_transcription то от мяса мелочь, то от рыбы мелочь \lit_trans \com_m Сорокина: пусуй-крошка, крошки \ref LD080816_STAR_008 \ELANBegin 00:00:21.390 \ELANEnd 00:00:22.830 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ŋolʲud dʲedroubiza \ft_r Вместе она смешивала это. \ft_e She mixed it all together. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ŋulʲud dʲedruːbiza \ft_r_during_transcription в одно смешивала \lit_trans \com_m Helimski: d'edero--примешать \ref LD080816_STAR_009 \ELANBegin 00:00:23.000 \ELANEnd 00:00:24.670 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ... bunkiza ɔtaɡɔʃ pɛɛØ \ft_r Она начала кормить собак. \ft_e She began feeding her dogs. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription bunkiza otaɡuʃ pɛ \ft_r_during_transcription собак кормить начала \lit_trans \com_m there is one more word in the very beginning, it is unclear \ref LD080816_STAR_010 \ELANBegin 00:00:25.050 \ELANEnd 00:00:26.960 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox pɛʔ nʲiuʔ, bunkiʔ tʃike tarakuʔ nʲimʔ \ft_r Она начала, а собаки эти подрались \ft_e She began, and these dogs began fighting \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription pɛnʲum bunkiz tʃik taraknʲum \ft_r_during_transcription только начала, собаки эти подрались \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_011 \ELANBegin 00:00:27.720 \ELANEnd 00:00:29.050 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox oomaduʔ ʃer \ft_r пока они ели \ft_e while they ate \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ɔmudu ʃer \ft_r_during_transcription пока ели \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_012 \ELANBegin 00:00:30.480 \ELANEnd 00:00:33.700 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox bunikʔ tarudaxad bunikʔ kexon nezaraxabiØ \ft_r Пока собаки дрались, она стояла возле собак. \ft_e While the dogs were fighting, she was standing near the dogs. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription bunik tarudaxat bunik kexun nebi \ft_r_during_transcription собаки пока дрались, возле собак она стояла \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_013 \ELANBegin 00:00:34.020 \ELANEnd 00:00:37.620 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox ŋɔxazda kerta bunkiza, ŋɔxazda sɛkrubiza, mense \ft_r За ногу ее же собака, за ногу ее укусила, старуху. \ft_e To her leg her own dog, dit her to her leg, the old woman. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription ŋoxazda kertabun kiza ŋoxazda sekrubiza \ft_r_during_transcription за ногу своя же собака, за ногу укусила \lit_trans \com_m \ref LD080816_STAR_014 \ELANBegin 00:00:38.100 \ELANEnd 00:00:40.090 \ELANParticipant unknown \info Forest Enets, Potapovo, modern, Leonid Dmitrievich Bolin \tx_lat_for_toolbox sɛuɡudɔu mɔzuŋaʃ \ft_r Она долго хромала. \ft_e She was lame for a long time. \tx_lat \tx_lat_during_transcription seuɡudɔu mɔzuŋaʃ \ft_r_during_transcription долго она хромала \lit_trans \com_m \ELANMediaURL file:///S:/Audio_texts/Baj/Analyzed/Sound/Elan/ld080816_StaruxaSobakiENETS.WAV \ELANMediaMIME audio/x-wav