Forest Enets

Suffixes in Forest Enets

This list of suffixes found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

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Search: ɡa. 172 total hits in 76 transcripts.
How people used to bury (1)
ɛkoz daʒe ɔziɡaØ daʒe
ɛke-xoz daʒe ɔzi-ɡa-Ø daʒe
this-ABL.SG even be:visible(ipfv)-DISC-3SG.S even
этот-АБЛ.ЕД even be:visible(ipfv)-DISC-3ЕД.S even
it is even seen sometimes from here
отсюда даже бывает видно
The migration of reindeer (1)
tɔɔɡezʔ tinaʔ, tinaʔ tɔɔɡezʔ
tɔɔ-ɡa-e-zʔ te-naʔ te-naʔ tɔɔ-ɡa-e-zʔ
reach(pfv)-DISC-M-3PL.M reindeer-PL.1PL reindeer-PL.1PL reach(pfv)-DISC-M-3PL.M
достичь(pfv)-DISC-M-3МН.M олень-МН.1МН олень-МН.1МН достичь(pfv)-DISC-M-3МН.M
our reindeer get there
доходят наши олени, наши олени доходят
KakUkrali (1)
bujzoda piriɡazʔ
buj-zo-da piri-ɡa-zʔ
soup-DESIG.SG-OBL.SG.3SG cook(pfv)-DISC-1SG.S
суп-ДЕСИГ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД варить(pfv)-DISC-1ЕД.S
I cooked soup to her.
Я суп ей варила.
SkazkiOtca (1)
pɛuʃumnoju ɔteɡaaʔ
pɛuʃuma-no-ju ɔte-ɡa-aʔ
evening-ADV-RESTR.ADJ wait(ipfv)-DISC-1PL.S/SG.OBJ
вечер-ADV-RESTR.ПРИЛ ждать(ipfv)-DISC-1МН.S/ЕД.ОБ
We wait for the evening.
Мы ждем вечера.
Worms (2)
ɔtʃikoɔnaʃ kanʲeɡaʔ ɔbu
ɔtʃiko-ɔn-iʃ kanʲe-ɡa-ʔ ɔbu
bad-PROL.SG-TRANS leave(pfv)-DISC-3PL.S what
плохой-ПРОЛ.ЕД-TRANS оставить(pfv)-DISC-3МН.S что
it happens to become bad
плохо становится, бывает
OxotaOsenju (1)
kutuj jet bunikʔ poɡaɡezʔ
kutuj jet buniki-ʔ poɡa-ɡa-e-zʔ
some and:so dog-PL fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-DISC-M-3PL.M
some and:so собака-МН fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-DISC-M-3МН.M
And dogs fall into some of them.
А в некоторые собаки попадают.
XodiliVTundru (5)
muuʃ, sira iron biʔiʃ kanʲeɡaØ
mo-iʃ sira iron bizu-iʃ kanʲe-ɡa
PLC-TRANS snow under water-TRANS leave(pfv)-DISC-3SG.S
PLC-TRANS snow под вода-TRANS оставить(pfv)-DISC-3ЕД.S
well, becomes water under the snow
это самое, под снегом становится водой
SluchaiMedvediVolki (1)
no, tinʲʔ tɔr taniɡenʲitʃ
no te-nʲʔ tɔr tanir-ɡa-e-nʲitʃ
well reindeer-PL.1DU so drive(ipfv)-DISC-PL.OBJ-1DU.NON.SG.OBJ.PST
хорошо олень-МН.1ДВ так drive(ipfv)-DISC-МН.ОБ-1ДВ.NON.ЕД.ОБ.ПРОШ
well, so we drive the reindeer
ну, мы так гоним оленей
Nikolskoe road (2)
nʲizuʔ tɔzaɡaʔ ʃkɔlud
nʲe-zuʔ tɔza-ɡa-ʔ ʃkɔl-d
child-NOM.PL.3PL bring(pfv)-DISC-3PL.S school-DAT.SG
ребенок-NOM.МН.3МН принести(pfv)-DISC-3МН.S школа-ДАТ.ЕД
They brough people to the school.
Они привозили детей в школу.
Reindeer-herding and food (2)
prɔduktizinaʔ tɔzaɡaʔ
paradukta-zi-naʔ tɔzu-ɡa
foodstuff-DESIG.PL-PL.1PL stick(pfv)-DISC-3PL.S
foodstuff-ДЕСИГ.МН-МН.1МН больной(pfv)-DISC-3МН.S
They bring us food.
Продукты нам привозят.