Forest Enets

Suffixes in Forest Enets

This list of suffixes found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: ɔn. 1203 total hits in 239 transcripts.
The mouse and the reindeer (9)
ɔnɛj bazaan, ɔnɛj bazaan, ɔnɛj bazaan
ɔnɛj baza-ɔn ɔnɛj baza-ɔn ɔnɛj baza-ɔn
Enets language-PROL.SG Enets language-PROL.SG Enets language-PROL.SG
Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД
in Enets, in Enets, in Enets
по-энецки, по-энецки, по-энецки
Worms (5)
tɛtuj santimetr piroɔn, ɛu piroɔn tɔr
tɛtuj santimetr piro-ɔn ɛu piro-ɔn tɔr
fourty centimeter extent-PROL.SG here(dir) extent-PROL.SG so
fourty centimeter extent-ПРОЛ.ЕД здесь(dir) extent-ПРОЛ.ЕД так
Fourteen centimeter length, so.
Четырнадцать сантиметров в длину, вот так в длину.
Interview_tdnt (53)
anʲ iblʲɛjɡuɔn, iblʲɛjɡuɔn
anʲ iblʲɛjɡu-ɔn iblʲɛjɡu-ɔn
and small-PROL.SG small-PROL.SG
and маленький-ПРОЛ.ЕД маленький-ПРОЛ.ЕД
ab it, a bit more
еще немного, немного
Djoa (6)
aɡaan ... aɡaan
aɡa-ɔn *... aɡa-ɔn
big-PROL.SG *** big-PROL.SG
большой-ПРОЛ.ЕД *** большой-ПРОЛ.ЕД
hardly... hardly
сильно... сильно
Nicknames (7)
iblʲɛjɡuɔn rosa bazaan tʃike ɛtɔ
iblʲɛjɡu-ɔn rosa baza-ɔn tʃike ɛtɔ
small-PROL.SG Russian language-PROL.SG this so
маленький-ПРОЛ.ЕД русский язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД этот так
a bit in Russian, well
немного по-русски это
Repairing the fishing nets (11)
ɔ, teza okaan, okaan
ɔ teza oka-ɔn oka-ɔn
oh now many-PROL.SG many-PROL.SG
oh сейчас много-ПРОЛ.ЕД много-ПРОЛ.ЕД
oh, now a lot, a lot
о, сейчас много много
Rozhdenija (6)
rosa bazaan, ɔnɛj bazaan, ɔnɛj bazaan dʲɔrirʔ
rosa baza-ɔn ɔnɛj baza-ɔn ɔnɛj baza-ɔn dʲɔrir-ʔ
Russian language-PROL.SG Enets language-PROL.SG Enets language-PROL.SG talk(ipfv)-2SG.S.IMP
русский язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД talk(ipfv)-2ЕД.S.ИМП
Russian, speak Enets, Enets!
по-русски, по-энецки, по-энецки говори!
Zhena (7)
ɔnɛj bazaan, ɔnɛj bazaan, rosa bazaan iz dʲɔrirʔ
ɔnɛj baza-ɔn ɔnɛj baza-ɔn rosa baza-ɔn i-z dʲɔrir-ʔ
Enets language-PROL.SG Enets language-PROL.SG Russian language-PROL.SG NEG-2SG.IMP talk(ipfv)-CONNEG
Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД русский язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД НЕГ-2ЕД.ИМП talk(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
In Enets, in Enets, don't speak Russian!
По-энецки, по-энецки, не разговаривай по-русски!
Interview_rad (39)
tɔ lɔsa bazaan, tɔ ɔnɛj bazaan mɔɡu
tɔ rosa baza-ɔn tɔ ɔnɛj baza-ɔn man-ku
that Russian language-PROL.SG that Enets language-PROL.SG say(pfv)-DIM1
тот русский язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД тот Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД сказать(pfv)-DIM1
I can both in Russian and in Enets
что по-русски, что по-энецки я могу
mɔɡu is in Russian-mɔɡu по-русски
MyshkaOlenj (8)
ɔtʃikoɔn sɔzeda meɔn
ɔtʃiko-ɔn sɔse-da me-ɔn
bad-PROL.SG belly-OBL.SG.3SG inner:part-PROL.SG
плохой-ПРОЛ.ЕД belly-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД inner:part-ПРОЛ.ЕД
it is bad in the belly.
плохо в животе.