Forest Enets

Suffix glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: conneg. 4201 total hits in 296 transcripts.
Enets clans (2)
iz lizibiʔ, iz lizibiʔ
i-z lizibi-ʔ i-z lizibi-ʔ
NEG-2SG.IMP hasten(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-2SG.IMP hasten(ipfv)-CONNEG
НЕГ-2ЕД.ИМП hasten(ipfv)-КОННЕГ НЕГ-2ЕД.ИМП hasten(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
Don't hurry, don't hurry!
Не торопись, не торопись!
RodyObrjad (9)
aɡa nʲiØ ŋaʔ bazuu tu, iblʲɛjɡu
aɡa nʲe-Ø ŋa-ʔ bazuu tu iblʲɛjɡu
big child-3SG.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG bonfire fire small
большой ребенок-3ЕД.S существовать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ bonfire огонь маленький
The bonfire is not big, it is small.
Костерчик не большой, маленький.
Olasne_tdnt (73)
iŋiØ ŋaʔ
iŋi-Ø ŋa-ʔ
certainly-3SG.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG
certainly-3ЕД.S существовать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
stays, of course
конечно, находится
An Enets and a Russian (18)
iŋeØ kanʲeʔ
iŋi-Ø kanʲe-ʔ
certainly-3SG.S leave(pfv)-CONNEG
certainly-3ЕД.S оставить(pfv)-КОННЕГ
left, of course
конечно, ушел
An Enets and a Russian (2) (21)
iŋiØ tɔneʔ kɔd
iŋi-Ø tɔne-ʔ kɔdo
certainly-3SG.S there:is(ipfv)-CONNEG sledge
certainly-3ЕД.S there:is(ipfv)-КОННЕГ нарта
Of course, there is a sledge.
Конечно, есть сани.
Olasne_1_rad (69)
iŋezʔ aduʔ, ɔbu
iŋi-zʔ adu-ʔ ɔbu
certainly-3SG.M sit:down(pfv)-CONNEG what
certainly-3ЕД.M сесть(pfv)-КОННЕГ что
sat down, of course, what
конечно, села, что
Polylogue_ips (20)
axa, neda dʲɔrirʔ ɔnɛj bazaan
aa nɔda dʲɔrir-ʔ ɔnɛj baza-ɔn
yeah s/he.DAT talk(ipfv)-CONNEG Enets language-PROL.SG
yeah s/he.ДАТ talk(ipfv)-КОННЕГ Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД
Yeah, speak to her in Enets.
Ага, говори ей по-энецки.
A man and the one-legged woman (24)
iŋiØ kauzurʔ
iŋi-Ø kauzur-ʔ
certainly-3SG.S abuse(ipfv)-CONNEG
certainly-3ЕД.S abuse(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
Of course, he abuses.
Конечно, он ругаются.
UrodlivyjMys_rad (18)
tɔʔ kudaxaa iŋiʔ ŋaʔ
tɔʔ kudaxaa iŋi-ʔ ŋa-ʔ
here(dir) for:a:long:time certainly-3PL.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG
здесь(dir) for:a:long:time certainly-3МН.S существовать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
Of course, they were there for a long time.
Ну конечно они там долго были.
Interview, part 1 (24)
iŋeØ aɡa entʃeʔ ŋaʔ
iŋi-Ø aɡa entʃeu ŋa-ʔ
certainly-3SG.S big person exist(ipfv)-CONNEG
certainly-3ЕД.S большой человек существовать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
Of course, he is an adult person.
Конечно, она взрослый человек.