Forest Enets

Suffix glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

A list of of abbreviations used for the English glosses found in the texts is accessible from the help menu.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: com. 252 total hits in 116 transcripts.
Interview (3)
ʃedʲaj, ʃedʲaj
ʃeru-saj ʃeru-saj
affair-COM affair-COM
affair-COM affair-COM
guilty, guilty
виноват, виноват
Hare's way (1)
nʲesaj, nʲesaj
nʲe-saj nʲe-saj
child-COM child-COM
ребенок-COM ребенок-COM
with children, with children
с детьми, с детьми
SluchaiMedvediVolki (8)
pɛsaj mu, niɡasaj tɔrse
pɛ-saj mo niɡa-saj tɔrse
wood-COM PLC bushes-COM such
wood-COM PLC bushes-COM such
with the trees, well, with bushes
с деревьями это самое, с кустами
Cooking fish (1)
no, sidʲaj, mɛr sidʲajiʃ
no siru-saj mɛr siru-saj-iʃ
well salt-COM quickly salt-COM-TRANS
хорошо соль-COM быстро соль-COM-TRANS
well, salted, quickly salted
ну, соленая, быстро соленой
My child ran after a bear (1)
lubusaj, nɔxidʲaj uzinʲʔ
lubu-saj nɔxiru-saj uza-nʲʔ
clay-COM dirt-COM arm-PL.1SG
clay-COM dirt-COM arm-МН.1ЕД
My hands are in clay, are dirty.
Мои руки в глине, грязные.
Life in tundra (3)
karesaj toʔ, tʃuktʃi karesaj toʔ
kare-saj to-ʔ tʃuktʃi kare-saj to-ʔ
fish-COM lake-PL all fish-COM lake-PL
рыба-COM озеро-МН весь рыба-COM озеро-МН
fishy lakes, all are fishy lakes
рыбные озера, все рыбные озера
KakShitUntajki_I_2 (2)
with holes
с дырками
Obuv (2)
with fur stocking
с тижами
KakUkrali (1)
moɡasaj tɔrse
moɡa-saj tɔrse
forest-COM such
лес-COM such
such one, with a forest
лесное такое
Prikorm (2)
no, bujsaj
no buj-saj
well soup-COM
хорошо суп-COM
well, with soup
ну, с супом