Forest Enets

Suffix glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: dir. 98 total hits in 56 transcripts.
Porne (3)
axa, taxanuku, tuxoz taxanuku kanʲeØ
aa taxa-nuku tu-xoz taxa-nuku kanʲe
yeah behind-DIR fire-ABL.SG behind-DIR leave(pfv)
yeah за-DIR огонь-АБЛ.ЕД за-DIR оставить(pfv)
Yeah, aside, she went aside from the fire.
Ага, в сторонку, от огня в сторонку она ушла.
Interview_rad (1)
tɔz tɛxɛ turatʃeda tɔlʲnuk tɔʔ
tɔz tɛxɛ turatʃeda tɔlʲ-nuku tɔʔ
so there(loc) Turacheda near-DIR here(dir)
так там(loc) Turacheda near-DIR здесь(dir)
so near Turacheda
так вон вблизи Турачеда
tO-видимо недоговоренное tOOjb'
KakSvatalis_dsb (5)
maxanuk ŋulʲ
maxa-nuku ŋulʲ
back-DIR very
назад-DIR очень
they don't concede
не уступают
PrimetyVPrirode_rad (3)
The freak and his brother (2)
... ŋulʲ tɔlʲnuk
*... ŋulʲ tɔlʲ-nuku
*** very near-DIR
*** очень near-DIR
... more close
... поближе
говорят и tOlnuk, и tOl'nuk
KakDoytiDoOzera (3)
taxanuku ɛke mu, kɔtʃira
taxa-nuku ɛke mo kɔtʃira
behind-DIR this PLC birch:wood
за-DIR этот PLC birch:wood
then, well, a birch wood
дальше это самое, березняк
Wild reindeer (4)
tʃike ɔrnukun
tʃike ɔru-nuku-xon
this front-DIR-LOC.SG
этот перед-DIR-ЛОК.ЕД
KakZhili_rad (7)
Germans' earth-house (2)
taxanukun ɛke vɔt
taxa-nuku-xon ɛke vɔt
behind-DIR-LOC.SG this here
за-DIR-ЛОК.ЕД этот здесь
not far away
недалеко это вот
Hare's way (2)
nɛkuju taxanuku
nɛk-ju taxa-nuku
other-RESTR.ADJ behind-DIR
другой-RESTR.ПРИЛ за-DIR
another one not far away
одного недалеко