Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

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Search: lumu. 25 total hits in 11 transcripts.
Shaman (3)
ɔbuxoɔz lumisezʔ
ɔbu-xoɔ-xoz lumu-sa-e-zʔ
what-FOC-ABL.SG be:frightened(pfv)-INTER-M-3PL.M
что-ФОК-АБЛ.ЕД be:frightened(pfv)-ИНТЕР-M-3МН.M
They were frightened by something?
Чего-то они испугались?
SluchaiMedvediVolki (7)
lumuzaden toniz
lumu-za-da-e-n toni-xoz
be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-FUT-PL.OBJ-1SG.NON.SG.OBJ there(dir)-ABL.SG
be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-ФУТ-МН.ОБ-1ЕД.NON.ЕД.ОБ там(dir)-АБЛ.ЕД
I will frighten them away from there
спугну их оттуда
Hunting wild reindeer (2)
nɔzunʲʔ lumijzʔ
nɔzunʲʔ lumu-e-zʔ
I.ABL be:frightened(pfv)-M-3PL.M
I.АБЛ be:frightened(pfv)-M-3МН.M
got afraid of me
испугались меня
A man and the one-legged woman (2)
tinʲʔ ɔbuxoz lumubutuʔ
te-nʲʔ ɔbu-xoz lumu-buʔ-duʔ
reindeer-PL.1DU what-ABL.SG be:frightened(pfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.3PL
олень-МН.1ДВ что-АБЛ.ЕД be:frightened(pfv)-КОНВ.КОНД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3МН
Why our reindeer got frightened?
Почему наши олени испугались?
The bears, the food sledge and the helicopter (2)
modʲnaʔ lumuzaʔ nʲebamʔ
modʲinaʔ lumu-za-ʔ i-bamʔ
we be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-CONNEG NEG-1PL.S/SG.OBJ.CONTR
we be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-КОННЕГ НЕГ-1МН.S/ЕД.ОБ.CONTR
we frightened it
мы его испугали
PojmalLosja (1)
muɔd kɔmabuʃ ɛtɔ lumuzaad
mo-a-d kɔma-buʃ ɛtɔ lumu-za-a-d
PLC-NMLZ1-DAT.SG want(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ.PST so be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-NMLZ1-DAT.SG
PLC-NMLZ1-ДАТ.ЕД хотеть(ipfv)-1ЕД.ЕД.ОБ.ПРОШ так be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-NMLZ1-ДАТ.ЕД
I wanted, well, to frighten it.
Я хотел это самое, вспугнуть его.
Along the Yenissey river (1)
ed tɔz lumezʔ anʲ
ed tɔz lumu-e-zʔ anʲ
so so be:frightened(pfv)-M-3PL.M and
так так be:frightened(pfv)-M-3МН.M and
And so they got frightened.
И как они испугались.
Glutton (2) (2)
pi dʲodaan tinʲʔ lumijzʔ
pi dʲoda-ɔn te-nʲʔ lumu-e-zʔ
night middle-PROL.SG reindeer-PL.1SG be:frightened(pfv)-M-3PL.M
ночь середина-ПРОЛ.ЕД олень-МН.1ЕД be:frightened(pfv)-M-3МН.M
The reindeer take alarm in the night.
Среди ночи олени всполошились.
Volki (3)
axa, te dʲodaan lumizadeziʔ, axa
aa te dʲoda-ɔn lumu-za-da-e-ziʔ aa
yeah reindeer middle-PROL.SG be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-FUT-PL.OBJ-3DU.NON.SG.OBJ yeah
yeah олень середина-ПРОЛ.ЕД be:frightened(pfv)-CAUS3-ФУТ-МН.ОБ-3ДВ.NON.ЕД.ОБ yeah
Yeah, they would frighten the reindeer in the middle, yeah.
Ага, они спугнут оленей посередине, ага.
NakonechnikiXoreja (1)
te pɔɔn tɛxɛ, kezer pɔɔn ter lumudezʔ ...
te pɔɔn tɛxɛ kezeru pɔɔn te-r lumu-da-e-zʔ *...
reindeer behind there(loc) wild:reindeer behind reindeer-NOM.SG.2SG be:frightened(pfv)-FUT-M-3SG.M ***
олень за там(loc) дикий:олень за олень-NOM.ЕД.2ЕД be:frightened(pfv)-ФУТ-M-3ЕД.M ***
after the reindeer, your reindeer will follow the wild reindeer ...
за оленями там, за дикими оленями олень побежит ...
unclear in the end-неразборчиво в конце