Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

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Search: kebi. 39 total hits in 21 transcripts.
ShamanskieVeschi (5)
kebid, kebi, kebi i vsʲɔ
kebi-d kebi kebi i vsʲɔ
sin-OBL.SG.2SG sin sin and that:is:all
sin-ОБЛ.ЕД.2ЕД sin sin and that:is:all
A sin, that's a sin, and that's all.
Грех, грех и всё.
Unidentified bird (3)
kebi, kebi, manʲ
kebi kebi manʲ
sin sin say
sin sin сказать
a sin, a sin, say
грех, грех, мол
Preparing fish (4)
kebi, kebi ɡovorʲat
kebi kebi *ɡovorʲ-a-t
sin sin ***-NMLZ1-OBL.PL.2SG
sin sin ***-NMLZ1-ОБЛ.МН.2ЕД
a sin, asin, people say
грех, грех говорят
A man and the one-legged woman (2)
My god!
Боже мой!
Fish and chitchat (4) (1)
kebi, ɔnɛj bazaan kebi
kebi ɔnɛj baza-ɔn kebi
sin Enets language-PROL.SG sin
sin Enets язык-ПРОЛ.ЕД sin
a sin, in our language, a sin
грех, на нашем языке грех
Speaking to granddaughter (2)
kebi, kebi iz manʔ
kebi kebi i-z man-ʔ
sin sin NEG-2SG.IMP say(pfv)-CONNEG
sin sin НЕГ-2ЕД.ИМП сказать(pfv)-КОННЕГ
It's a sin, it's a sin, don't say (so).
Грех, грех, не говори (так).
A stone with a hole (3)
kebi, manʔ nʲiuʔ, kebiza ɔburu
kebi man -ʔ i -uʔ kebi -da ɔburu
sin say(pfv) -CONN NEG -3SG.S.CONT be_sinful(ipfv) -PTCP.SIM thing
sin сказать(pfv) -CONN НЕГ -3ЕД.S.CONT быть_sinful(ipfv) -PTCP.SIM вещь
That's a sin, he said, that's a sinful thing.
Это грех, он сказал, это греховодное дело.
PrimetyBeremennostj (1)
mɔtaruʃ kebi
mɔta-ru-ʃ kebi
cut(pfv)-ITER-CVB sin
резать(pfv)-ITER-КОНВ sin
to cut is a sin
резать грех
Memoirs (2)
ɛɛ, kebi
ɛɛ kebi
yes sin
yes sin
yes, a sin
да, грех
Necrobacteriosis (1)
bu nɔnda, kebi
bu nɔnida kebi
s/he s/he.LOC sin
s/he s/he.ЛОК sin
This is a sin.
Это значит грех.
The translation is not clear: what this LOC.SG really means here?