Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical word appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

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Search: ɛtʃe. 284 total hits in 81 transcripts.
Interview, part 1 (14)
ɛtʃujxit vɔt, bazeɡoza ɛtʃujxit, nɛkuju ɛtʃujxit
ɛtʃe-xit vɔt baze-ɡo-da ɛtʃe-xit nɛk-ju ɛtʃe-xit
child-ABL.PL here grow(pfv)-DUR-PTC.SML child-ABL.PL other-RESTR.ADJ child-ABL.PL
ребенок-АБЛ.МН здесь расти(pfv)-ДУБ-ПРИЧ.СИМ ребенок-АБЛ.МН другой-RESTR.ПРИЛ ребенок-АБЛ.МН
to the children so, to the children who were growing up, to another children
детям, вот, детям, которые росли, другим детям
Hill (2)
the children
The two mates (2) (10)
kasa ɛtʃe, kasa ɛtʃe
kasa ɛtʃe kasa ɛtʃe
man child man child
мужчина ребенок мужчина ребенок
the lad, the lad
парень, парень
Razgovory (2)
ɛtʃe ...
ɛtʃe *...
woman child ***
женщина ребенок ***
the girl ..
девочка ...
unclear in the end-непонятно в конце
Interview_rad (10)
kerenʲʔ ɛtʃujnʲʔ ...
kere-nʲʔ ɛtʃe-nʲʔ *...
self-OBL.SG.1SG child-PL.1SG ***
сам-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД ребенок-МН.1ЕД ***
own children ...
свои ребятишки ...
unclear in the end-неразбюорчиво в конце
TonulaVBolote (1)
kasa ɛtʃujʔ
kasa ɛtʃe
man child-PL
мужчина ребенок-МН
the young men
молодые люди
KukushkaLjdina_ips (3)
dʲɔku ɛtʃujʔ
dʲɔku ɛtʃe
orphan child-PL
сирота ребенок-МН
orphan children
Shaman (1)
nɛ ɛtʃujruʔ
woman child-RESTR-PL
женщина ребенок-RESTR-МН
only the girls
только девчонки
TriZhenschiny_rad_tdnt (8)
kasa ɛtʃeku
kasa ɛtʃe-ku
man child-DIM1
мужчина ребенок-DIM1
a lad
OZhizni_rad (19)
nɛ ɛtʃekujʔ
woman child-DIM1-NOM.SG.1SG
женщина ребенок-DIM1-NOM.ЕД.1ЕД
my daughter
моя дочка