Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical word appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: nʲet. 4 total hits in 4 transcripts.
KakPozvaliZhitjPalchiny (1)
Fish and chitchat (5) (1)
nʲet, ɛke ʃedaxuu
nʲet ɛke ʃeda-xu-a
no this make(pfv)-HORT-1SG.SG.OBJ
no этот делать(pfv)-ХОРТ-1ЕД.ЕД.ОБ
No, let me cut this one.
Нет, я эту разделаю.
Interview_tdnt (1)
a nʲeØ, nʲet, pɔnʲid, pɔnʲirʔ, pɔnʲirʔ ɔbuxoɔ bareku
a i-Ø nʲet pɔnʲir-z pɔnʲir-ʔ pɔnʲir-ʔ ɔbu-xoɔ bare-ku
and NEG-3SG.S no do(ipfv)-2SG.SG.OBJ.IMP do(ipfv)-CONNEG do(ipfv)-CONNEG what-FOC song-DIM1
and НЕГ-3ЕД.S no делать(ipfv)-2ЕД.ЕД.ОБ.ИМП делать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ делать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ что-ФОК песня-DIM1
Ah no, no, perform it, perform any song!
А нет, нет, спой, спой какую-нибудь песенку!
Interview (2) (1)
nʲet, no, tonin varantsɔva dʲaxan tɔʔ tɔneʔ nʲimʔ ɔnɛj entʃeuʔ
nʲet no toni-xon varantsɔva dʲa-xon tɔʔ tɔne-ʔ i-mʔ ɔnɛj entʃeu-ʔ
no well there(dir)-LOC.SG Vorontsovo place-LOC.SG here(dir) there:is(ipfv)-CONNEG NEG-3PL.S.CONTR Enets person-PL
no хорошо там(dir)-ЛОК.ЕД Vorontsovo место-ЛОК.ЕД здесь(dir) there:is(ipfv)-КОННЕГ НЕГ-3МН.S.CONTR Enets человек-МН
Well, but in Vorontsovo land there are Enets people.
Нет, ну, на воронцовской земле ведь есть энцы.