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Search: tɔrse. 454 total hits in 170 transcripts.
Fishing with a minnow (2)
tɔrse ʃeʔ, ʃeʔ
tɔrse ʃeru ʃeru
such affair affair
such affair affair
such a thing
такое дело, дело
Unidentified bird (1)
tɔrse samaʔ tɔneʔ
tɔrse sama-ʔ tɔne-ʔ
such bird-PL there:is(ipfv)-3PL.S
such bird-МН there:is(ipfv)-3МН.S
There are such birds.
Такие птицы бывают.
The small bear cub (1)
tɔrseku, intʲeresnij ŋulʲ
tɔrse-ku intʲeresnij ŋulʲ
such-DIM1 interesting very
such-DIM1 interesting очень
such one, interesting
такой вот, интересный
Stalin's prisoner (2)
tɔrse entʃeuʔ nɔʔɔjtatʃ
tɔrse entʃeu-ʔ nɔʔɔ-jtu-tʃ
such person-PL grasp(pfv)-ATTN-3PL.S.PST
such человек-МН схватить(pfv)-ATTN-3МН.S.ПРОШ
They caught such people.
Они ловили таких людей.
Sun, nets and bears (2)
poɡaubiØ tɔrse poɡad
poɡa-ubi-Ø tɔrse poɡa-d
fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-HAB-3SG.S such fishing:net-DAT.SG
fall:into:fishing:net(pfv)-ХАБ-3ЕД.S such fishing:net-ДАТ.ЕД
It falls into such a net.
Она попадается в такую сеть.
Hare snares (1)
nʲabar anʲ tɔrse
nʲaba-r anʲ tɔrse
hare-NOM.SG.2SG and such
заяц-NOM.ЕД.2ЕД and such
a hare is also so
заяц тоже такой
A contemporary chat (3) (1)
tɔz, tɔrse entʃeje
tɔz tɔrse entʃeu-je
so such person-PEJ
так such человек-ПЕЖ
so, such a person
вот, такой человечище
Who speaks which languages (2)
tɔrse bazaʔ tɛnezʔ
tɔrse baza-ʔ tɛne-zʔ
such language-PL know(ipfv)-1SG.S
such язык-МН know(ipfv)-1ЕД.S
I know such words.
Такие слова я знаю.
How to install a tent (2)
tɔrse iblʲɛjɡ pɛkutʃa ...
tɔrse iblʲɛjɡu pɛ-kutʃa *...
such small wood-DIM2 ***
such маленький wood-DIM2 ***
such a small stick ...
такая маленькая палочка...
IstorijaIvanovyh (2)
no, ɔbuuʃ tɔrseʔ
no ɔbu-iʃ tɔrse-ʔ
well what-TRANS such-PL
хорошо что-TRANS such-МН
well, why they are such
ну, почему такие
наверное, про этих белорусов