Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical word appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

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Search: tɔɔ. 303 total hits in 112 transcripts.
Two men (2)
tʃik kexoda tɔɔbunʲʔ
tʃike kiu-d-da tɔɔ-buʔ-nʲʔ
this side-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG reach(pfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.1SG
этот сторона-ДАТ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД достичь(pfv)-КОНВ.КОНД-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД
when I get clos to him
когда я подойду к нему ближе
Two women (2)
i moɡad tɔɔjzʔ
i moɡa-d tɔɔ-e-zʔ
and forest-DAT.SG reach(pfv)-M-3SG.M
and лес-ДАТ.ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-3ЕД.M
and she reached forest
и дошла до леса
Interview_rad (4)
mɛkonʲʔ tɔɔjbiʔ anʲ
mɛzu-d-nʲʔ tɔɔ-e-jʔ anʲ
chum-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.1SG reach(pfv)-M-1SG.M and
chum-ДАТ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-1ЕД.M and
I reached home
я до дома дошел
The one legged woman (1)
dʲɔɡod dʲaxaz tɔɔjzʔ
dʲɔɡod dʲa-xoz tɔɔ-e-zʔ
another place-ABL.SG reach(pfv)-M-3SG.M
другой место-АБЛ.ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-3ЕД.M
came from the otehr place
пришел из другого места
TriZhenschiny_rad_tdnt (1)
ɛɛda kiuxod tɔɔjzʔ
ɛɛ-da kiu-d-d tɔɔ-e-zʔ
mother-OBL.SG.3SG side-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.2SG reach(pfv)-M-3SG.M
мать-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД сторона-ДАТ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.2ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-3ЕД.M
He came to his mother.
Он подошел к матери.
Razgovor_RybalkaNizovjja (2)
no, toniz tɔɔjzʔ
no toni-xoz tɔɔ-e-zʔ
well there(dir)-ABL.SG reach(pfv)-M-3SG.M
хорошо там(dir)-АБЛ.ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-3ЕД.M
well, it came from there
ну, он оттуда пришел
SmeshnojSluchaj (8)
mɛkoda tɔɔjzʔ anʲ
mɛzu-d-da tɔɔ-e-zʔ anʲ
chum-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG reach(pfv)-M-3SG.M and
chum-ДАТ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-3ЕД.M and
He reached home.
Он до дома дошел.
Interview (4)
tʃetvʲɔrtij klasud tɔɔjbitʃ
tʃetvʲɔrtij klas-d tɔɔ-e-bitʃ
fourth grade-DAT.SG reach(pfv)-M-1SG.M.PST
fourth grade-ДАТ.ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-1ЕД.M.ПРОШ
I reached the fourth grade.
До четвертого класса я дошел.
Bears and fishing nets (1)
modʲ tɔɔjb anʲ
modʲ tɔɔ-e-jʔ anʲ
1SG reach(pfv)-M-1SG.M and
1ЕД достичь(pfv)-M-1ЕД.M and
I approached.
я подошел.
Changes on the lake (2)
barimaɡunʲʔ ɛu tɔɔjb
barimaɡu-nʲʔ ɛu tɔɔ-e-jʔ
barely-OBL.SG.1SG here(dir) reach(pfv)-M-1SG.M
barely-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД здесь(dir) достичь(pfv)-M-1ЕД.M
I hardly reached here.
Я еле дошел сюда.