Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: bu. 255 total hits in 122 transcripts.
Skazka (2)
bu manʔ nʲiuʔ
bu man-ʔ i-uʔ
s/he say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR
s/he сказать(pfv)-КОННЕГ НЕГ-3ЕД.S.CONTR
she says
Necrobacteriosis (1)
bu nɔnda, kebi
bu nɔnida kebi
s/he s/he.LOC sin
s/he s/he.ЛОК sin
This is a sin.
Это значит грех.
The translation is not clear: what this LOC.SG really means here?
The bears, the food sledge and the helicopter (2)
tɔr bu kanʲeexazda
tɔr bu kanʲe-a-xoz-da
so s/he leave(pfv)-NMLZ1-ABL.SG-OBL.SG.3SG
так s/he оставить(pfv)-NMLZ1-АБЛ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД
after it left
когда она ушла
My child ran after a bear (3)
bu anʲ lʲetʃiduŋaØ
bu anʲ lʲetʃidur-Ø
s/he and treat(ipfv)-3SG.S
s/he and обращаться(ipfv)-3ЕД.S
And he treated (them).
А он лечил (их).
Fish and chitchat (5) (1)
ɛke ʃuduza bu
ɛke ʃudu-za bu
this smoke-NOM.SG.3SG s/he
этот smoke-NOM.ЕД.3ЕД s/he
That's his smoke.
Это его дымокур.
Fish and chitchat (3)
ɛke bu nɛxoneda
ɛke bu nɛ-xon-da
this s/he woman-LOC.SG-OBL.SG.3SG
этот s/he женщина-ЛОК.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД
With his wife.
Вот с его женой.
Interview (2) (2)
bu ɛu toubiØ
bu ɛu to-ubi-Ø
s/he here(dir) come(pfv)-HAB-3SG.S
s/he здесь(dir) прийти(pfv)-ХАБ-3ЕД.S
Does he come here?
Он сюда приезжает?
Tulle (5)
bu kas toxon
bu kas to-xon
s/he shallow lake-LOC.SG
s/he shallow озеро-ЛОК.ЕД
He at the Dry lake
Он на Сухом озере
Pregnancy superstitions (1)
bu manʔ nʲiuʔ
bu man-ʔ i-uʔ
s/he say(pfv)-CONNEG NEG-3SG.S.CONTR
s/he сказать(pfv)-КОННЕГ НЕГ-3ЕД.S.CONTR
she said
она сказала
The orphan and the old man (4)
bu nʲizuʔ tɔnetʃ
bu nʲe-zuʔ tɔne-tʃ
s/he child-NOM.PL.3PL there:is(ipfv)-3PL.S.PST
s/he ребенок-NOM.МН.3МН there:is(ipfv)-3МН.S.ПРОШ
They had children.
У них были дети.