Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical word appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: nʲiʔ. 170 total hits in 85 transcripts.
The two mates (4)
nʲiʔ tɔdabizʔ
nʲiʔ tɔda-bi-zʔ
wood on(dir) climb(pfv)-PRF-3SG.M
wood на(dir) climb(pfv)-PRF-3ЕД.M
He climbed on a tree.
Он на дерево залез.
The two mates (2) (2)
to naruʔ nʲiʔ
to naruʔ nʲiʔ
lake across on(dir)
озеро через на(dir)
right across the lake
прямо через озеро
Djoa (2) (2)
sɔʃiku nʲiʔ kadanʲijʔ
sɔʃi-ku nʲiʔ kada-nʲi-jʔ
hill-DIM1 on(dir) take:away(pfv)-SBJV-1DU.S/SG.OBJ
холм-DIM1 на(dir) унести(pfv)-СОСЛ-1ДВ.S/ЕД.ОБ
Let's take him away to the hill.
Давай мы его отнесем на горку.
I saw a wood-grouse (3)
pɛ nʲiz tʃijzʔ
nʲiʔ-xoz tʃi-e-zʔ
wood on(dir)-ABL.SG fly(pfv)-M-3SG.M
wood на(dir)-АБЛ.ЕД летать(pfv)-M-3ЕД.M
it flew away from a tree
она улетела с дерева
Going to school on a reindeer (7)
ɔdiz nʲiʔ adudezʔ
ɔdizu nʲiʔ adu-da-e-zʔ
verdure on(dir) sit:down(pfv)-FUT-M-3PL.M
verdure на(dir) сесть(pfv)-ФУТ-M-3МН.M
they would sit on plants
на растения сядут
Head to head with bears (4)
sɔʃiku nʲiʔ tɔdejʔ
sɔʃi-ku nʲiʔ tɔda-e-jʔ
hill-DIM1 on(dir) climb(pfv)-M-1SG.M
холм-DIM1 на(dir) climb(pfv)-M-1ЕД.M
I ascended the hill
я поднялся на горку
Hiding from a bear on a fence (2)
kamera nʲiʔ ɛzed
kamera nʲiʔ ɛze-d
chamber on(dir) up-DAT.SG
chamber на(dir) вверх-ДАТ.ЕД
onto the upper part of the chamber
на верх камеры
The old man and the living pike (3)
dʲɔdaz nʲiʔ sɛrabiza
dʲɔdaz nʲiʔ sɛru-bi-za
pike on(dir) tie:up(pfv)-PRF-3SG.SG.OBJ
щука на(dir) tie:up(pfv)-PRF-3ЕД.ЕД.ОБ
He put it on the pike.
Он надел его на щуку.
Mushrooms and berries in the tundra (1)
mu nʲiʔ tɛxɛ
mo nʲiʔ tɛxɛ
PLC on(dir) there(loc)
PLC на(dir) там(loc)
on, well
на это
Worms (2)
barʒa nʲiʔ puɡozezuʔ
barʒa nʲiʔ pun-ɡo-da-e-zuʔ
barge on(dir) put(pfv)-DUR-FUT-PL.OBJ-3PL.NON.SG.OBJ
barge на(dir) положить(pfv)-ДУБ-ФУТ-МН.ОБ-3МН.NON.ЕД.ОБ
they will put them onto a barge
будут класть их на баржу
the plural reference is not clear