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Search: taxa. 188 total hits in 107 transcripts.
Little lake (1)
kanʲxujʔ taxa
kanʲe-xu-jʔ taxa
leave(pfv)-HORT-1DU.S/SG.OBJ behind
оставить(pfv)-ХОРТ-1ДВ.S/ЕД.ОБ за
Let's go from here!
Пойдем отсюда!
The bears, the food sledge and the helicopter (2)
bɛɛdabiza taxa
bɛɛ-da-bi-za taxa
throw(pfv)-CAUS1-PRF-3SG.NON.SG.OBJ behind
бросать(pfv)-CAUS1-PRF-3ЕД.NON.ЕД.ОБ за
It threw them away.
Она их выбросила подальше.
Hare's way (4)
nɛkuju taxanuku
nɛk-ju taxa-nuku
other-RESTR.ADJ behind-DIR
другой-RESTR.ПРИЛ за-DIR
another one not far away
одного недалеко
Preparing fish (2)
taxanoju niɡaraʔ
taxa-no-ju niɡa-raʔ
behind-ADV-RESTR.ADJ bushes-NOM.SG.2PL
through the bushes
через кусты
The light reindeer from the north (2)
axa, taxa
aa taxa
yeah behind
yeah за
yeah, then
ага, дальше
The mouse and the reindeer (1)
taxa kantad
taxa kanʲe-da-d
behind leave(pfv)-FUT-2SG.S
за оставить(pfv)-ФУТ-2ЕД.S
Would you go there?
Ты туда пойдешь?
Memoirs (5)
taxanukuɔn dʲazurʔ
taxa-nuku-ɔn dʲazu-r-ʔ
behind-DIR-PROL.SG go(ipfv)-MULT-2SG.S.IMP
за-DIR-ПРОЛ.ЕД идти(ipfv)-MULT-2ЕД.S.ИМП
go around far away
подальше ходи
Djoa (2)
tʃike mu taxa, kamozokuda taxa ɔziØ
tʃike mo taxa kamozo-ku-da taxa ɔzi-Ø
this PLC behind house-DIM1-OBL.SG.3SG behind be:visible(ipfv)-3SG.S
этот PLC за дом-DIM1-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД за be:visible(ipfv)-3ЕД.S
He is seen behind this, behind his little house.
За этим, за домиком его видно.
Story about a bear (1)
aa, taxanukun, budʲiʔ bɔtʃkidʲiʔ taxanukun adʲizaraxabixiʔ
aa taxa-nuku-xon budʲiʔ bɔtʃka-tʃiʔ taxa-nuku-xon adʲi-daraxa-bi-xiʔ
yeah behind-DIR-LOC.SG they(du) butt-OBL.PL.3DU behind-DIR-LOC.SG sit(ipfv)-APPR-PRF-3DU.S
yeah за-DIR-ЛОК.ЕД they(du) butt-ОБЛ.МН.3ДВ за-DIR-ЛОК.ЕД сидеть(ipfv)-АППР-PRF-3ДВ.S
Yes, not far, they seemed to be sitting not far away from their butts.
Ага, недалеко, они недалеко от своих бочек вроде бы сидели.
How to go to the Red lake (3)
taxane, taxane kexon ŋaØ sɔjza kare, tɔneØ
taxa-ne taxa-ne kiu-xon ŋa-Ø sɔjza kare tɔne-Ø
behind-LOC.ADJ behind-LOC.ADJ side-LOC.SG exist(ipfv)-3SG.S good fish there:is(ipfv)-3SG.S
за-ЛОК.ПРИЛ за-ЛОК.ПРИЛ сторона-ЛОК.ЕД существовать(ipfv)-3ЕД.S хороший рыба there:is(ipfv)-3ЕД.S
There is good fish on the opposite side.
На той, на той стороне есть хорошая рыба,