Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

This list of lexical words found in the Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical word appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: modʲ. 1252 total hits in 217 transcripts.
The old woman Ulyana (10)
KakRansheZhili_au (8)
modʲ teza modʲ bazajʔ
modʲ teza modʲ baza-jʔ
1SG now 1SG language-NOM.SG.1SG
1ЕД сейчас 1ЕД язык-NOM.ЕД.1ЕД
my, now my word
мое, сейчас мое слово
Two men (21)
modʲ, modʲ texininʲʔ anʲ
modʲ modʲ te-xin-nʲʔ anʲ
1SG 1SG reindeer-LOC.PL-OBL.SG.1SG and
1ЕД 1ЕД олень-ЛОК.МН-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД and
and with my reindeer
а моими оленями
My child ran after a bear (6)
modʲ ... modʲ bunʲiu mɔdeeʔ
modʲ *... modʲ bunʲi-a mɔdee-ʔ
1SG *** 1SG NEG.EMPH-1SG.SG.OBJ see(ipfv)-CONNEG
1ЕД *** 1ЕД НЕГ.ЭМФ-1ЕД.ЕД.ОБ видеть(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
I don't see. after all.
Я ведь не вижу.
в начале непонятно
A contemporary chat (2)
iblʲɛjɡuɔn bataʔ, modʲ, modʲ
iblʲɛjɡu-ɔn bata-ʔ modʲ modʲ
small-PROL.SG pour:out(pfv)-2SG.S.IMP 1SG I
маленький-ПРОЛ.ЕД pour:out(pfv)-2ЕД.S.ИМП 1ЕД I
Pour a bit, me, me
Немного налей, я, я
The mouse and the reindeer (5)
ŋolʲuuʃ dʲɔriŋazʔ, modʲ, modʲ
ŋoʔ-ru-iʃ dʲɔrir-zʔ modʲ modʲ
one-RESTR-TRANS talk(ipfv)-1SG.S 1SG I
один-RESTR-TRANS talk(ipfv)-1ЕД.S 1ЕД I
Only me I speak, me
Один только разговариваю, я, я
Fish and chitchat (19)
modʲ poɡa ʃedadazʔ, modʲ
modʲ poɡa ʃeda-da-zʔ modʲ
1SG fishing:net make(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S I
1ЕД fishing:net делать(pfv)-ФУТ-1ЕД.S I
I will make the net, I
Я сеть буду делать, я
Interview, part 2 (5)
modʲ, modʲxoɔ tɔr mu
modʲ modʲ-xoɔ tɔr mo
Me, as for me, I so
Я, я-то так
My wedding (13)
modʲ, modʲ anʲ tɔʒe
modʲ modʲ anʲ tɔʒe
1SG 1SG and also
1ЕД 1ЕД and тоже
And me, and me also.
И я, и я тоже.
A little chat from the 60's (2) (4)
modʲ, modʲ internatxon dʲirizʔ
modʲ modʲ internat-xon dʲiri-zʔ
1SG 1SG boarding:school-LOC.SG live(ipfv)-1SG.S
1ЕД 1ЕД boarding:school-ЛОК.ЕД жить(ipfv)-1ЕД.S
Me, I live in the boarding school.
Я, я в интернате живу.