Forest Enets

Lexical words in Forest Enets

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Search: daʒe. 80 total hits in 49 transcripts.
How I harness the dogs (4)
ɔbuxuru daʒe keret
ɔbu-xuru daʒe kere-d
what-EVEN even self-OBL.SG.2SG
что-EVEN even сам-ОБЛ.ЕД.2ЕД
nothing even yourself
ничего даже сам
Worms used as a bait (1)
bil daʒe buzidedaØ
bizu-r daʒe buzider-da-Ø
water-NOM.SG.2SG even move(ipfv)-FUT-3SG.S
вода-NOM.ЕД.2ЕД even move(ipfv)-ФУТ-3ЕД.S
The water even will move.
Вода даже шевелиться будет.
The Fokina river (1)
nexuxoz daʒe bɔza
nexuʔ-xoz daʒe bɔza
three-ABL.SG even surplus
три-АБЛ.ЕД even surplus
Even more than three.
Даже больше трех.
Stalin's prisoner (1)
ɛkoz daʒe adtarezutʃ
ɛke-xoz daʒe adu-ta-ra-e-zutʃ
this-ABL.SG even sit:down(pfv)-CAUS4-CAUS2-M-3PL.M.PST
этот-АБЛ.ЕД even сесть(pfv)-CAUS4-CAUS2-M-3МН.M.ПРОШ
Even people from here were inprisonned.
Даже отсюда были посажены.
Interview (2)
daʒe nʲinaʔ mɔdeeubiʔ
daʒe nʲe-naʔ mɔdee-ubi-ʔ
even child-PL.1PL see(ipfv)-HAB-3PL.S
even ребенок-МН.1МН видеть(ipfv)-ХАБ-3МН.S
Even our children see.
Даже наши дети видят.
A forest enets dialog (1)
kirbada mirzo dʲaɡoØ daʒe
kirba-da mirzo dʲaɡo-Ø daʒe
bread-OBL.SG.3SG price there:is:no-3SG.S even
bread-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД price there:is:no-3ЕД.S even
She even has no money to buy bread.
Даже на хлеб нет.
mirzu-how to gloss??
PojmalLosja (3)
daʒe ŋɔiza ibiʔ kɔdiʔ
daʒe ŋɔ-za i-bi-ʔ kɔdi-ʔ
even leg-NOM.PL.3SG NEG-PRF-3PL.S freeze(pfv)-CONNEG
even нога-NOM.МН.3ЕД НЕГ-PRF-3МН.S freeze(pfv)-КОННЕГ
Even its legs did not freeze.
Даже ноги у него не замерзли.
Mushrooms and berries (2)
nʲebatʃ daʒe, nʲinatʃ oorʔ
i-atʃ daʒe i-natʃ oor-ʔ
We even did not eat them.
Мы даже их не ели.
Germans' earth-house (1)
naaxuruza daʒe dʲaɡØ, dʲa
naa-xuru-za daʒe dʲaɡo-Ø dʲa
outfall-EVEN-NOM.SG.3SG even there:is:no-3SG.S place
outfall-EVEN-NOM.ЕД.3ЕД even there:is:no-3ЕД.S место
Even there is no hole, simply the ground.
Даже дыры нет, просто земля.
Here in winter (1)
sirnoju teza daʒe dʲɔxaraa
sira-no-ju teza daʒe dʲɔxara-a
snow-ADV-RESTR.ADJ now even not:know(ipfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ
snow-ADV-RESTR.ПРИЛ сейчас even не:знать(ipfv)-1ЕД.ЕД.ОБ
As for winter, I even don't know now.
Зимой я сейчас даже не знаю.