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Search: paɡe. 149 total hits in 41 transcripts.
Svatovstvo_rad (5)
paɡeʔ ...
paɡe-ʔ *...
outerwear-PL ***
outerwear-МН ***
clothes ...
одежда ...
Interview_rad (2)
pɛɛʔ, paɡekuzuʔ, kertuʔ paɡekuzuʔ pɔnʲidaʔ
pɛɛ-ʔ paɡe-ku-zuʔ kere-duʔ paɡe-ku-zuʔ pɔnʲir-da-ʔ
shoe-PL outerwear-DIM1-NOM.PL.3PL self-OBL.SG.3PL outerwear-DIM1-NOM.PL.3PL do(ipfv)-FUT-3PL.S
shoe-МН outerwear-DIM1-NOM.МН.3МН сам-ОБЛ.ЕД.3МН outerwear-DIM1-NOM.МН.3МН делать(ipfv)-ФУТ-3МН.S
They wore shoes, their clothes.
Бокари, парки, свою одежду они носили.
KakSvatalis_dsb (12)
tʃi, paɡeziziʔ, mɛju paɡeziziʔ sɛrtarabizʔ
tʃi paɡe-zi-ziʔ mɛ-ju paɡe-zi-ziʔ sɛru-ta-ra-bi-zʔ
here outerwear-DESIG.PL-NOM.PL.3DU make(pfv)-RESTR.ADJ outerwear-DESIG.PL-NOM.PL.3DU tie:up(pfv)-CAUS4-CAUS2-PRF-3SG.M
здесь outerwear-ДЕСИГ.МН-NOM.МН.3ДВ делать(pfv)-RESTR.ПРИЛ outerwear-ДЕСИГ.МН-NOM.МН.3ДВ tie:up(pfv)-CAUS4-CAUS2-PRF-3ЕД.M
So, clothes, the new clothese were put on on them.
Вот, одежду, новую одежду на них надели одели.
Memoirs (14)
kertuʔ pazuj paɡeʔ, pazuj paɡeʔ
kere-duʔ pazu-j paɡe-ʔ pazu-j paɡe-ʔ
self-OBL.SG.3PL write(pfv)-PTC.ANT outerwear-PL write(pfv)-PTC.ANT outerwear-PL
сам-ОБЛ.ЕД.3МН писать(pfv)-ПРИЧ.ANT outerwear-МН писать(pfv)-ПРИЧ.ANT outerwear-МН
their own decorated outerwear, decorated outerwear
свои разукрашенные одежды, разукрашенные одежды
Olasne_tdnt (9)
paɡeza sɛraØ
paɡe-za sɛru-Ø
outerwear-NOM.PL.3SG tie:up(pfv)-3SG.S
outerwear-NOM.МН.3ЕД tie:up(pfv)-3ЕД.S
she put on her clothes
одежду надела
Skazka_UbilBykov_au (2)
paɡezinʲʔ mɛbut
paɡe-zi-nʲʔ mɛ-buʔ-d
outerwear-DESIG.PL-PL.1SG make(pfv)-CVB.COND-OBL.SG.2SG
outerwear-ДЕСИГ.МН-МН.1ЕД делать(pfv)-КОНВ.КОНД-ОБЛ.ЕД.2ЕД
so that you would make the clothes for me
чтобы ты мне одежду сделала
Olasne_1_rad (7)
paɡeza dʲaɡoØ
paɡe-za dʲaɡo-Ø
outerwear-NOM.SG.3SG there:is:no-3SG.S
outerwear-NOM.ЕД.3ЕД there:is:no-3ЕД.S
But she has no clothes.
Но одежды у нее нет.
An Enets and a Russian (3) (3)
nɛkuju paɡeʃeØ
nɛk-ju paɡe-ʃe-Ø
other-RESTR.ADJ outerwear-CAR-3SG.S
другой-RESTR.ПРИЛ outerwear-КАР-3ЕД.S
One of them has no clothes.
Один из ни без одежды.
Interview_rad (4)
paɡe pɔnʲiŋaaʔ
paɡe pɔnʲir-aʔ
outerwear do(ipfv)-1PL.S/SG.OBJ
outerwear делать(ipfv)-1МН.S/ЕД.ОБ
we wear clothes
мы носим одежду
Interview_tdnt (9)
paɡe ŋaj
paɡe ŋa-j
outerwear exist(ipfv)-3SG.S.IMP
outerwear существовать(ipfv)-3ЕД.S.ИМП
outerwear, say
одежда, скажем