Forest Enets

Lexical glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: just:now. 75 total hits in 50 transcripts.
Washing a newborn (1)
sɔjeeʔ sɔjaj
sɔjeeʔ sɔja-j
just:now be:born(pfv)-PTC.ANT
just:now be:born(pfv)-ПРИЧ.ANT
the newborn
The freak and his brother (1)
modʲ sɔjeeʔ tʃiduujnʲʔ
modʲ sɔjeeʔ tʃi-duuj-nʲʔ
1SG just:now install(pfv)-PTC.ANT.PAS-OBL.SG.1SG
1ЕД just:now install(pfv)-ПРИЧ.ANT.ПАС-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД
I have just installed them
я их только что поставил
sOje-только что, недавно
UrodlivyjMys_rad (4)
sɔjeeʔ tʃike nɛda eridaxada
sɔjeeʔ tʃike nɛ-da erir-da-d-da
just:now this woman-OBL.SG.3SG go:for:water(ipfv)-PTC.SML-DAT.SG-OBL.SG.3SG
just:now этот женщина-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД go:for:water(ipfv)-ПРИЧ.СИМ-ДАТ.ЕД-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД
already, while that woman took water
уже, пока эта женщина набирала воду
Rosomaxa (1)
modʲinʲʔ sɔjeeʔ dʲirilenʲitʃ
modʲinʲiʔ sɔjeeʔ dʲiriu-ru-e-nʲitʃ
we(du) just:now life-INCH-M-1DU.M.PST
we(du) just:now жизнь-ИНХ-M-1ДВ.M.ПРОШ
We had just started to live together.
Мы только жить начали.
The two mates (2) (6)
salba sɔjeeʔ kɔdiØ
salba sɔjeeʔ kɔdi-Ø
ice just:now freeze(pfv)-3SG.S
ice just:now freeze(pfv)-3ЕД.S
The ice is frozen.
Лед только застыл.
LyzhiKamusami (2)
sɔjeeʔ sira kaʔab
sɔjeeʔ sira kaʔa-buʔ
just:now snow come:down(pfv)-CVB.COND
just:now snow come:down(pfv)-КОНВ.КОНД
when the snow falls already
когда уже выпадет снег
Mushrooms and berries (3)
sɔjeeʔ teza bazeɡoɔʔ
sɔjeeʔ teza baze-ɡo-ʔ
just:now now grow(pfv)-DUR-3PL.S
just:now сейчас расти(pfv)-ДУБ-3МН.S
They are now only growing.
Только сейчас растут.
NakonechnikiXoreja (1)
ɛk pɔxon ɔrte sɔjeeʔ
ɛke pɔ-xon ɔrte sɔjeeʔ
this year-LOC.SG first just:now
этот год-ЛОК.ЕД первый just:now
only just before these years
перед этими годами только
SluchaiMedvediVolki (2)
toʔ sɔjeeʔ kɔdiɡoɔʔ
to-ʔ sɔjeeʔ kɔdi-ɡo-ʔ
lake-PL just:now freeze(pfv)-DUR-3PL.S
озеро-МН just:now freeze(pfv)-ДУБ-3МН.S
The lakes already freeze.
Озера уже замерзают.
A clairvoyant (1)
sɔjeeʔ dʲeriɡoɔØ, manʔ nʲiuʔ
sɔjeeʔ dʲeri-u-ɡo-Ø man-ʔ i-uʔ
just:now day-INC1-DUR-3SG.S say(pfv)-CONNEG-3SG.S.CONTR
just:now день-INC1-ДУБ-3ЕД.S сказать(pfv)-КОННЕГ-3ЕД.S.CONTR
It's only dawning, he said.
Только светает, он сказал.