This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.
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Search: for:a:long:time. 271 total hits in 128 transcripts.
Shaman (3)
kudaxaaj modʲ iblʲɛjɡ ɛbuʔujnʲʔ
kudaxaa-j modʲ iblʲɛjɡu ɛ-buʔuj-nʲʔ
for:a:long:time-ADJ 1SG small be(ipfv)-CVB.SML-OBL.SG.1SG
for:a:long:time-ПРИЛ 1ЕД маленький быть(ipfv)-КОНВ.СИМ-ОБЛ.ЕД.1ЕД
Long ago when I was a child
Давно, когда я был маленьким
SortaRyby (1)
nɛkujuɡoɔ kudaxaan dʲaɡomaʃ
nɛk-ju-xoɔ kudaxaa-xon dʲaɡo-u-ʃ
other-RESTR.ADJ-FOC for:a:long:time-LOC.SG there:is:no-INC1-3SG.S.PST
другой-RESTR.ПРИЛ-ФОК for:a:long:time-ЛОК.ЕД there:is:no-INC1-3ЕД.S.ПРОШ
One of them died long ago.
Один-то из них давно умер.
Volki (3)
ɔnɛj kudaxaaj nʲiØ ŋaʔ
ɔnɛj kudaxaa-j i-Ø ŋa-ʔ
Enets for:a:long:time-ADJ NEG-3SG.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG
Enets for:a:long:time-ПРИЛ НЕГ-3ЕД.S существовать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
not really long ago
по-настоящему-то не далекие
TriZhenschiny_rad_tdnt (1)
eriseezuʔ kudaxaa nʲiØ ŋaʔ
erisee-zuʔ kudaxaa i-Ø ŋa-ʔ
ice:hole-NOM.SG.3PL for:a:long:time NEG-3SG.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG
ice:hole-NOM.ЕД.3МН for:a:long:time НЕГ-3ЕД.S существовать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
The ice-hole is not far away.
Прорубь недалеко.
Djoa (2)
kudaxaaj anʲ sɛxod mu
kudaxaa-j anʲ sɛxod mo
for:a:long:time-ADJ and ancient PLC
for:a:long:time-ПРИЛ and стыринный PLC
Formerly ancient so to say
Раньше-то старые эти самые
The two mates (2) (3)
tʃik kunʲ kudaxaaj
tʃike kunʲi kudaxaa-j
this how for:a:long:time-ADJ
этот как for:a:long:time-ПРИЛ
that's far away they
это они далеко
ObychaiDveZheny (1)
kudaxaaj, manʲ, muxon, ɛtɔ
kudaxaa-j manʲ mo-xon ɛtɔ
for:a:long:time-ADJ say PLC-LOC.SG so
for:a:long:time-ПРИЛ сказать PLC-ЛОК.ЕД так
long ago, say, well
давно, мол, это самое, это
Interview (1)
nɔ kudaxaa nʲezutʃ utʃidurʔ
nɔ kudaxaa i-zutʃ utʃidu-r-ʔ
but for:a:long:time NEG-1SG.S.PST study(ipfv)-MULT-CONNEG
но for:a:long:time НЕГ-1ЕД.S.ПРОШ учиться(ipfv)-MULT-КОННЕГ
But I did not study for a long time.
Но долго я не проучился.
я слышу utSid'idur
How the tobacco finished (1)
kudaxa dʲaɡoʃ, axa
kudaxa dʲaɡo-ʃ aa
for:a:long:time there:is:no-3SG.S.PST yeah
for:a:long:time there:is:no-3ЕД.S.ПРОШ yeah
It was not there for a long time.
Его долго не было.
Little dog (1)
kudaxaaj buntʃikujʔ tɔneʃ modʲ
kudaxaa-j buniki-ku-jʔ tɔne-ʃ modʲ
for:a:long:time-ADJ dog-DIM1-NOM.SG.1SG there:is(ipfv)-3SG.S.PST I
for:a:long:time-ПРИЛ собака-DIM1-NOM.ЕД.1ЕД there:is(ipfv)-3ЕД.S.ПРОШ I
Long ago I had a doggy.
Давно у меня была собачка.