Forest Enets

Lexical glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

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Search: cannot. 22 total hits in 14 transcripts.
A man and the one-legged woman (1)
modʲ u ʃit ɔteʃ lɔziʔubizʔ
modʲ u ʃit ɔte-ʃ lɔzis-ubi-zʔ
1SG you(sg) you(sg).ACC wait(ipfv)-CVB cannot(pfv)-HAB-1SG.S
1ЕД ты(sg) ты(sg).АКК ждать(ipfv)-КОНВ не:мочь(pfv)-ХАБ-1ЕД.S
I cannot wait for you.
Я не могу тебя ждать.
Rosomaxa (3)
i tɔr ŋɔda nɛkuruʃ lɔziʔɛØ
i tɔr ŋɔ-da nɛkru-ʃ lɔzis-Ø
and so leg-OBL.SG.3SG take:out(pfv)-CVB cannot(pfv)-3SG.S
and так нога-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД вынесть(pfv)-КОНВ не:мочь(pfv)-3ЕД.S
And so it cannot take out its leg.
И так ногу свою вытащить не может.
Head to head with bears (1)
kunʲru ɔrnoju naaʃ lɔziʔɛu, nʲiʔ kɔmaʔ
kunʲi-ru ɔru-no-ju naa-ʃ lɔzis-a i-ʔ kɔma-ʔ
how-RESTR front-ADV-RESTR.ADJ drive:out(pfv)-CVB cannot(pfv)-1SG.SG.OBJ NEG-3PL.S want(ipfv)-CONNEG
как-RESTR перед-ADV-RESTR.ПРИЛ drive:out(pfv)-КОНВ не:мочь(pfv)-1ЕД.ЕД.ОБ НЕГ-3МН.S хотеть(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
I cannot drive them further, they don't want to
никак их вперед подгонать не могу, не хотят
Interview (1)
bezɡramɔtnij entʃezʔ bunʲizʔ ŋaʔ, kitaʃ lɔziʔɛØ tʃiked
bezɡramɔtnij entʃeu-zʔ bunʲi-zʔ ŋa-ʔ kita-ʃ lɔzis-Ø tʃike-d
ignorant person-1SG.S NEG.EMPH-1SG.S exist(ipfv)-CONNEG retell(pfv)-CVB cannot(pfv)-3SG.S this-OBL.SG.2SG
ignorant человек-1ЕД.S НЕГ.ЭМФ-1ЕД.S существовать(ipfv)-КОННЕГ retell(pfv)-КОНВ не:мочь(pfv)-3ЕД.S этот-ОБЛ.ЕД.2ЕД
I am an ignorant person, after all, I cannot explain this to you.
Я ведь человек безграмотный, я не могу это тебе объяснить.