Forest Enets

Lexical glosses for Forest Enets (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in Forest Enets transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Forest Enets.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: about. 43 total hits in 28 transcripts.
Little dog (1)
kiuda neɔn mubiu
kiu-da neɔn mo-bi-a
side-OBL.SG.3SG about PLC-PRF-1SG.SG.OBJ
сторона-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД about PLC-PRF-1ЕД.ЕД.ОБ
I did it near its side
в бок его я это самое
Ispugalisj (1)
pu neɔn nɛbiezutʃ
pu neɔn nɛbi-zutʃ
stone about run(ipfv)-1SG.S.PST
камень about бежать(ipfv)-1ЕД.S.ПРОШ
I ran along the stones
я по камням бежала
Shaman (2)
iʃ tɔsaʔ ʃi ... neɔndaʔ
i-ʃ tɔsa-ʔ *-ʃ-i *... neɔn-daʔ
NEG-CVB become:anxious(pfv)-CONNEG ***-CVB-M *** about-OBL.SG.2PL
НЕГ-КОНВ become:anxious(pfv)-КОННЕГ ***-КОНВ-M *** about-ОБЛ.ЕД.2МН
surprisingly hear you
неожиданно рядом с вами
ʃi is unclear
Preparing chaga (1)
ɛkon, maxada neɔn
ɛke-xon maxa-da neɔn
this-LOC.SG back-OBL.SG.3SG about
этот-ЛОК.ЕД назад-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД about
here, on the back
здесь, на спине
Interview, part 1 (1)
seʔiza dʲiritʃunaʔ neɔn
seʔi-da dʲiri-tʃu-naʔ neɔn
be:hard(ipfv)-PTC.SML live(ipfv)-DIM3-OBL.SG.1PL about
be:hard(ipfv)-ПРИЧ.СИМ жить(ipfv)-DIM3-ОБЛ.ЕД.1МН about
along the hard life
по тяжелой жизни
Interview, part 2 (2)
kaʃituʔ neɔn isimʔ dʲɔrirʔ
kasa-tuʔ neɔn i-sa-mʔ dʲɔrir-ʔ
man-OBL.PL.3PL about NEG-INTER-3PL.S.CONTR talk(ipfv)-CONNEG
мужчина-ОБЛ.МН.3МН about НЕГ-ИНТЕР-3МН.S.CONTR talk(ipfv)-КОННЕГ
they spoke about their mates
разговаривали о своих товарищах
Rozhdenija (3)
baka neɔn tozazʔ
baka neɔn to-da-zʔ
Priluki about come(pfv)-FUT-1SG.S
Priluki about прийти(pfv)-ФУТ-1ЕД.S
I will come along Priluki.
Я приду через Прилуки.
VolkiVTundre (1)
neɔnda lɔkri ɔzidad i
neɔn-da lɔkuri ɔzi-u-da-d i
about-OBL.SG.3SG suddenly be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-FUT-2SG.S and
about-ОБЛ.ЕД.3ЕД suddenly be:visible(ipfv)-INC1-ФУТ-2ЕД.S and
So you would suddenly appear by him and
Вот так на него вдруг выйдешь и
SluchaiMedvediVolki (2)
tʃike saameʔ, saameʔ baʃ
tʃike saame-ʔ saame-ʔ baʃ
this wolf-PL wolf-PL about
этот волк-МН волк-МН about
about that wolfs
про этих волков
Interview (2)
tʃike neɔn ɔbuxoɔ biiʔɛd
tʃike neɔn ɔbu-xoɔ biis-d
this about what-FOC remember(ipfv)-2SG.S
этот about что-ФОК remember(ipfv)-2ЕД.S
Do you remember something about this?
Об этом ты что-нибудь помнишь?