
Suffixes in Udihe

This list of suffixes found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix appears in the texts available in the collection for Udihe.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: si:. 155 total hits in 26 transcripts.
The iron bird and the silver bird (5)
sewe-si:, sewe-si:, sewe-si:, sewe-si:, ge, aŋi “ene:”
He shamanized and shamanized, and the Iron Bird shouted: «It hurts!»
Шаманил, шаманил, а она (Железная птица кричит): «Больно!»
The oriole grandson (3)
utadigi [si] bui-si: bui-si:.
then [you] steal:up-IMPF.PRES.PTC steal:up-IMPF.PRES.PTC
тогда [ты] steal:up-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ steal:up-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ
Then the grandmother started sneaked up to him, she was sneaking and sneaking.
Тогда бабушка стала подкрадываться, крадется, крадется.
An old woman and her tiger cub (7)
sugese-zi tikpe-si: tikpe-si: tikpe-si:, tu: mogolie dakpi-e-ni.
axe-INST nail-IMPF.PRES.PTC nail-IMPF.PRES.PTC nail-IMPF.PRES.PTC all around cover-PST-3SG
топор-INST nail-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ nail-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ nail-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ весь around покрыть-ПРОШ-3ЕД
She nailed and nailed it with an axe, covered it completely.
Топором забивала, забивала, забивала, всё вокруг закрыла.
Ginseng hunting (8)
xuli:, olondo xe:ti-si:.
walk.PRES.PTC ginseng shout-IMPF.PRES.PTC
идти.PRES.ПРИЧ ginseng кричать-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ
We would walk and scream.
Ходим, кричим.
The person who finds the ginseng root must scream «bancau» (sometimes rendered as панцуй) to reserve his/her right on it.
The fairy and the ten bald spirits (7)
uta ña ñuga-si:, ñuga-si:, sasa-wa-ni tu: dige-ili.
that again kiss-IMPF.PRES.PTC kiss-IMPF.PRES.PTC cheek-ACC-3SG all eat-3SG
тот снова kiss-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ kiss-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ cheek-АКК-3ЕД весь есть-3ЕД
Then they started kissing her again, ate all her cheeks.
Тут они опять стали ее целовать, все щеки съели.
My newborn son's death (6)
uti dogbo unugu-l’e {i} ineŋi bude-si:.
this at:night sick-V.PF {and} in:the:day die-IMPF.PRES.PTC
этот at:night sick-ГЛ.ПРФ {and} in:the:day умереть-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ
He got ill in the night and died in the daytime.
Он ночью заболел и днём умер.
When Yegdige ate an evil spirit (3)
Dukteme:-ni eje:-si:, dukteme, dukteme.
ski.PST-3SG go:downstream-PF.CVB.SS ski ski
ski.ПРОШ-3ЕД go:downstream-ПРФ.КОНВ.SS ski ski
So he was running on his skis and singing:
Так он бежал на лыжах, бежал, бежал и пел:
The weasel (4)
{konechno} amba jaza, amba-si: bi:-ti xai maŋga.
{of:course} evil:spirit of:course evil:spirit-V.PRES.PTC be-3PL also strong
{конечно} evil:spirit конечно evil:spirit-ГЛ.PRES.ПРИЧ быть-3МН тоже сильный
Obviously it was an evil spirit. Those who turn into evil spirits become strong.
Конечно, он – злой дух, если кто злым духом стал, сильным становится.
How I tamed a roe cub (4)
ute-be tu: bi-si: ...
this-like all be-PST
этот-любить весь быть-ПРОШ
That's how it was.
Вот так было.
The fox with ten tails (3)
[omo] omo coko puñarr e: gune, ute i:-si:-ni.
one yurt smoke:rising.IDEO do EV that enter-IMPF-3SG
один чум smoke:rising.IDEO делать EV тот войти-ИМПФ-3ЕД
Once he saw: there was a yurt and the smoke was rising above it. He came in.
Видит – юрта и дым над ней поднимается, он зашел.