
Published texts in Udihe

Kanchuga, Aleksandr A. and Toshiro Tsumagari. 2010. Avtobiograficheskaja povest’ 5: Okhotnich’i rasskazy [in Udihe and Russian]. Sapporo: Hokkaido University.

Kazama, Shinjiro (ed.). 2004a. Udihe texts (A). Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Kazama, Shinjiro (ed). 2004b. Udihe texts (B) [with an audio CD]. Sapporo: Hokkaido University.

Kazama, Shinjiro (ed.). 2006. Udihe texts 2. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Kazama, Shinjiro (ed.). 2007. Udihe texts 3 [with an audio CD]. Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University.

Kazama, Shinjiro (ed.). 2008. Udihe texts 4 [with an audio CD]. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Kazama, Shinjiro (ed.). 2009. Udihe texts 5 [with an audio DVD]. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Kazama, Shinjiro (ed.). 2010. Udihe texts 6 [with an audio DVD]. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Kjalunzjuga, Valentina.  1999. Udie kejeweni on’oiti [A Udihe primer book]. Khabarovsk: Khabarovskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo.

Nikolaeva, Irina; Elena Perekhvalskaya and Maria Tolskaya. 2002. Udeghe (Udihe) folk tales. Ser. Tunguso-Sibirica 10. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.

Nikolaeva, Irina; Elena Perekhvalskaya and Maria Tolskaya. 2003. Udeghe (Udihe) texts. Kyoto: Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim Publications.

Perexval’skaja, Elena. 1991a. Ila nim’aŋku [Three tales]. Moscow: Cultural Initiative.

Perexval’skaja, Elena. 1991b. Ude ońoso azbukani [An illustrated primer book in Udihe]. Moscow: Cultural Initiative.

Perekhvalskaya, Elena. Udegejskij jazyk [Udihe language]. http://pole.iphil.ru/udyhe

Popova, Natal’ja. 1934. Arifmetika. Dǝlūji skola tatusiŋkuni. Gagda obo. Gagda aŋandini tatusiuji [Arithmetic for the primary school. Second part. The second year]. Leningrad: Uchpedgiz.

Shnejder, Evgenij. 1932. Minti on’ofi. Boŋgo kniga udihǝzi on’owǝ tatusiuju [Our ABC. A primer of Udihe]. Leningrad: Uchpedgiz.

Shnejder, Evgenij. 1934. Taŋuji kniga. Dǝji skola tatusiŋkuni. Gagda obo. Gagda aŋadini tatusiuji [A reading book for the second year of the primary school. Second part]. Leningrad: Uchpedgiz.