Tundra Yukaghir

Bibliography for Tundra Yukaghir

Language pedagogy and language maintenance

Kurilov, G. and G. Vyrdylina. 1989. A primer for the first grade of Yukaghir schools. Jakutsk: Ministerstvo Obrazovanija. [in Tundra Yukaghir].

Odé, C. 2009: I want to sing for you about how we used to live, Preserving Tundra Yukagir in the village of Andryushkino, Sakha Republic, Northeast Siberia. In Mnemosynon. Studies on Language and Culture in the Russophone World. Section I: Language policy formation at home and abroad. Presented to Dan E. Davidson by his students and colleagues. Richard D. Brecht, Ljudmila A. Verbitskaja, Maria D. Lekic, William F. Rivers (eds.). Moscow, 2009, p. 49-56.

Odé, C. 2009: Realizacija proekta “Tundrennyj jukagirskij jazyk” [The project “Tundra Yukaghir””]. Proceedings of the International Conference Native Languages of the Indigenous Small-numbered Peoples in the Russian Educational System, Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Government of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Yakutsk, 8-11 September 2009, p.83-86.

Odé, C. 2011: Tundrennyj jukagirskij jazyk kak rodnoj v Andrjushkinskoj shkole [Tundra Yukaghir as a native language at school in Andryushkino]. In Ulica Shevchenko 25, korpus 2. Scritti in onore di Claudia Lasorsa, a cura di Valentina Benigni e Alessandro Salacone, Caissa Italia, p.169-173.

Odé, C. 2013: Learning your endangered native language in a small multilingual community: the case of Tundra Yukagir in Andriushkino. In: Preserving endangered languages and local knowledge: Learning tools and community initiatives in cross-cultural discussion. Erich Kasten & Tjeerd de Graaf (eds), Kulturstiftung Sibirien, p.89-105. See: www.siberian-studies/publications/PDF/skiode.pdf

Studies on the grammar and lexicon

Comrie, B. 1992. Focus in Yukagir (Tundra dialect). In: Aronson, H. (ed.) The non Slavic languages of the USSR. Linguistic studies. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago. 55-70.

Krejnovich, E. 1955. The morphological expression of logical stress in Yukaghir. Institut Jazykoznanija: Doklady i soobshchenija 7: 99-115. [in Russian]

Krejnovich, E. 1957. On the study of Yukaghir. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 5: 104-107. [in Russian]

Krejnovich, E. 1958. The Yukaghir language. Moscow; Leningrad: Akademija Nauk. [in Russian]

Krejnovich, E. 1968. The Yukaghir language. In: Vinogradov, V. (ed.), Jazyki narodov SSSR. Vol. 5. Mongol’skie, tunguso-manchzhurskie i paleoaziatskie jazyki. Moscow: Nauka. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 1968. On some Yukaghir toponyms. Sovetskoe Finnougrovedenie 1: 67- 70. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 1969. On the morphological expression of the internal attributive relations in Yukaghir. Sovetskoe Finnougrovedenie 3: 213-216. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 1969. On Yukaghir kinship terms. Sovetskaja Ètnografija 2: 92-96. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 1970. On Yukaghir nominal compounds. In: Voprosy filologii. Jakutsk. 132- 134. [in Russian].

Kurilov, G. 1972. On Yukaghir numerals. In: Voprosy jazyka i fol’klora narodnostej Severa. Jakutsk. 64-70. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 1974. On the Yukaghir Genitive. In: Sklonenie v paleoaziatskikh i samodijskikh jazykakh. Leningrad: Nauka. 230-232. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 1977. Nominal compounds in Yukaghir. Leningrad: Nauka. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G.  1990. Yukaghir-Russian dictionary. Jakutsk: JaGU.

Kurilov, G. 1994. Nominal word formation in Yukaghir. Jakutsk. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 1999. The Yukaghir toponyms of the Nizhnekolymskoj district of the Sakha (Yakut) republic. Jakutsk: RIO RDNT. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 2001. Yukaghir-Russian dictionary. Novosibirsk: Nauka

Kurilov, G. 2003. The lexicon of modern Yukaghir. Novosibirsk: Nauka. [in Russian]

Kurilov, G. 2006. Modern Yukaghir. Yakutsk. [in Russian]

Maslova, E. 2003. Tundra Yukagir. Languages of the World/Materials 372. Lincom Europa.

Maslova, E. 2005. Information structure in Tundra Yukagir and typology of focus structures. In: Joce Fernandez-Vest (ed.), Les langues ouraliennes aujourd’hui: Approche linguistique et cognitive, 599- 610. Honoré Champion.

Matić, D. (2014). Questions and syntactic islands in Tundra Yukaghir. In: R. van Gijn, J. Hammond, D. Matić, S. van Putten, & A. Galucio (eds.), Information structure and reference tracking in complex sentences, 127-162. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Matić, D., Hammond, J., & Van Putten, S.. In press. Left-dislocation, sentences and clauses in Avatime, Tundra Yukaghir and Whitesands. In: J. Fleischhauer, A. Latrouite, & R. Osswald (eds.), Festschrift for Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press.

Matić, D. and Nikolaeva, I. 2014. Realis mood, focus, and existential closure in Tundra Yukaghir. Lingua, 150. pp. 202-231.

Matić, D. and Nikolaeva, I. 2014. Focus feature percolation: Evidence from Tundra Nenets and Tundra Yukaghir. In: Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. CSLI online publication, 299-317.

Matić, D., & Odé, C. In press. On prosodic signalling of focus in Tundra Yukaghir. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana.

Nikolaeva, I. 2006. A historical dictionary of Yukaghir. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Odé, C. 2011: Tundrennij jukagirskij jazyk: k opsaniju intonacii [The Tundra Yukaghir Language: towards a description of intonation]. In: Jazyk & jazykovaja dejatelnost’, 2010-2011, Vol. 10-11, To honour Natalia Svetozarova, 155-163.

Odé, C. 2012. A v segmentnoj fonetike tozhe chto-to est [Segmental phonetics also has its charms]. In: Chelovek govorjashchij Issledovanija XXI veka, K 80-letiju so dnja rozhdenija Lii Vasilevny Bondarko, 34-43. Ivanovskij gosudarstvennyj khimiko-tekhnologicheskij universitet, Ivanovo.

Odé, C. 2013. Dwellings, utensils and food, clothing. A Tundra Yukagir vocabulary with audio CD Supplement to “Bytovaja Leksika” by Anna Danilova. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, ACLC.

Turkin, I. 1986. The inventory of vowel phonemes in Tundra Yukaghir. In Fonetika jazykov Sibiri i sopredelnykh regionov. Novosibirsk. [in Russian]

Veenker, W. 1989. Tundrajukagirisches Wörterverzeichnis zusammengestellt von Wolfgang Veenker. Opuscula Sibirica 1. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg.