
Lexical glosses for Udihe (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Udihe.

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Search: over. 10 total hits in 3 transcripts.
How Udihe elders used rotten ash tree (7)
utemi gegbe-iti ute-we nada ala c'a-la-ni.
therefore collect-3SG rotten:wood-ACC seven gorge over-LOC-3SG
therefore collect-3ЕД rotten:wood-АКК семь gorge over-ЛОК-3ЕД
That’s why they prepare the pieces of rotten trees behind seven hills.
Поэтому гнилушки заготавливали за семью распадками.
The fairy and the ten bald spirits (2)
maŋmu uli-ni dieme ge:-fe ŋene-i si.
Amur river-3SG ? space-over go-IMP you
Amur river-3ЕД ? space-over идти-ИМП ты
Walk along the riverbank of the Amur river.
Ты иди по берегу Амура.
Sisam Zauli and the hero (1)
uta xeŋe-le-i tata-nda-mi, tuŋmuga culi xetige-ŋi-e-ni uti merge, xeŋe-le-i tata-nda-mi.
that be:surprised-V-PRES.PTC pull-SEM-INF flue through jump:out-DIR-PST-3SG this hero over-PROL pull-SEM-INF
тот be:surprised-ГЛ-PRES.ПРИЧ тянуть-SEM-INF flue через jump:out-DIR-ПРОШ-3ЕД этот hero over-ПРОЛ тянуть-SEM-INF
From fear he pulled the horse-tail so strongly, that he jumped out through the smoke hole.
Он с перепугу так сильно дернул хвощ, что выскочил прямо через верх (дымоход).