
Lexical glosses for Udihe (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: march. 2 total hits in 2 transcripts.
Running barefoot in winter (1)
sagb’ei tukä-mi jaza lä gili:, gekti: marta bä:-la-ni.
barefoot run-INF of:course very:much cold freeze.PRES.PTC March month-LOC-3SG
barefoot бежать-INF конечно very:much холодный freeze.PRES.ПРИЧ March month-ЛОК-3ЕД
Of course it’s cold to run barefoot in March, one gets cold.
Босиком бежать в марте, конечно, очень холодно, мерзнешь.
Nadezhda Kukchenko explained that in March the surface of snow is covered with ice crust, which is easy to step on.
Bird cherry tree shavings in Udihe culture (1)
tue nekie marta bä-la-ni lä xuai-ne:-ti, ute a:nta-zi taule-le-?
winter spring March month-LOC-3SG much cut-DIR.PST-3SG that woman use-PURP-??
winter spring March month-ЛОК-3ЕД много резать-DIR.ПРОШ-3ЕД тот женщина использовать-ПУРП-??
In winter and spring, in March, they used to cut down a lot of bird-cherry trees, so that the women could use them.
Зимой и весной, в марте месяце очень много черёмухи рубили, чтобы женщины пользовались.