
Lexical glosses for Udihe (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: conjecture. 2 total hits in 1 transcripts.
My newborn son's death (2)
eme-si: uti, xañaŋku nede-si, xañaŋku-le {kepeika}-wa nede: uta-zi xaŋa-si:-ni.
come-IMPF.PRES.PTC this mirror put-IMPF.PRES.PTC mirror-LOC {coin}-ACC put.PST.PTC this-INST conjecture-IMPF-3SG
прийти-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ этот mirror положить-ИМПФ.PRES.ПРИЧ mirror-ЛОК {coin}-АКК положить.ПРОШ.ПРИЧ этот-INST conjecture-ИМПФ-3ЕД
She came, set up a mirror, put a kopek on the mirror and started doing magic.
Пришла она, поставила зеркало, на зеркало положила копейку и стала гадать.
Xañaŋku 'mirror' is often used during magic divination. In this episode, they recite the names of suspected spirits and persons until the coin stands on its edge. A similar divination technique but using хañaŋku ‘a guessing stone, an oracle disc’ is described in Nikolaeva and Tolskaya (2001, text 10), Nikolaeva et al. (2002, text 51) and is also mentioned in Avrorin and Lebedeva (1978: 56).