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Search: catch:up. 10 total hits in 4 transcripts.
The seven sisters (6)
ŋene-i, ŋene-i, xai ele b’ono-li-e-ni.
go-PRES.PTC go-PRES.PTC again soon catch:up-INCH-PST-3SG
идти-PRES.ПРИЧ идти-PRES.ПРИЧ снова soon catch:up-ИНХ-ПРОШ-3ЕД
They ran and ran, but again she was about to reach them.
Бегут, бегут, опять она стала нагонять.
The alder tree girl (2)
ge ña ele bo:no-lisi:-ti aŋi wonde-te-i=ze mele-we.
INTJ again soon catch:up-COND-3PL INDEF throw-PERM-2SG=HORT two:sided:comb-ACC
МЕЖД снова soon catch:up-КОНД-3МН INDEF бросать-PERM-2ЕД=ХОРТ two:sided:comb-АКК
If they are about to reach you again, throw the two-sided comb.
Если опять будут нагонять, ты двусторонний гребень бросай .
Running barefoot in winter (1)
bi=de bue-ti=de a:kta, bi=de te:-mi silosi-e-mi bugdi:.
me=FOC he-3PL=FOC catch:up me=FOC sit-INF dry-PST-1SG feet.REFL
me=ФОК he-3МН=ФОК catch:up me=ФОК сидеть-INF dry-ПРОШ-1ЕД feet.РЕФЛ
I was running after them and would also sit down and warm my feet.
Я тоже за ними гналась, и я тоже сидя грела ноги.
Gamuli and Amuli (1)
gida-i, tada-i, aŋi xo:gdo-i zawa-na: a:-ni aziga-wa, a-i, a-i, a-i, ele bo:no:-li.
spear-REFL arrow-REFL INDEF long:shaft:knife-REFL take-PST.PTC.SS chase.PST-3SG girl-ACC chase-PRES.PTC chase-PRES.PTC chase-PRES.PTC soon catch:up-INCH.PRES.PTC
spear-РЕФЛ стрела-РЕФЛ INDEF long:shaft:knife-РЕФЛ взять-ПРОШ.ПРИЧ.SS chase.ПРОШ-3ЕД girl-АКК chase-PRES.ПРИЧ chase-PRES.ПРИЧ chase-PRES.ПРИЧ soon catch:up-ИНХ.PRES.ПРИЧ
He took a spear, an arrow and a knife with a long handle and went to chase the girl. She chased her and reached her with difficulty.
Взял копьё, стрелу, пальмỳ (нож на длинной ручке) и отправился в погоню за девушкой, гнался, гнался, еле догнал.