
Lexical glosses for Udihe (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: bird:cherry. 1 total hits in 1 transcripts.
Bird cherry tree shavings in Udihe culture (1)
ei aŋi cu’ai mo:-ni gekti-e-me-ni [joxompo, joxompo] joxompo gekti-gi-we-ni läsi gegb’e-si: sigi:-ti.
this INDEF bird:cherry tree-3SG freeze-PST.PTC-ACC-3SG bird:cherry:tree freeze-REP-ACC-3SG much collect.PF-PF.CVB.SS shave-3PL
этот INDEF bird:cherry дерево-3ЕД freeze-ПРОШ.ПРИЧ-АКК-3ЕД bird:cherry:tree freeze-REP-АКК-3ЕД много collect.ПРФ-ПРФ.КОНВ.SS shave-3МН
When the bird-cherry tree wood gets frozen, they collect a lot of frozen wood and shave it.
Когда древесина черёмухи замёрзнет, много замёрзшей черёмухи собирают и строгают.