
Lexical glosses for Udihe (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Udihe.

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Search: amba. 3 total hits in 2 transcripts.
The tiger for the Udihe people (1)
amba uli-ni [gugda] aŋi eŋme e-i bie uti amba b’äsa-ni.
Amba river-3SG [high] INDEF wide NEG-PRES.PTC be this Amba brook-3SG
Amba river-3ЕД [high] INDEF wide НЕГ-PRES.ПРИЧ быть этот Amba brook-3ЕД
The river Amba is not wide.
Речка Амба - неширокая эта речка Амба.
When Yegdige ate an evil spirit (2)
Bi {von} ei dogbo ti dogbo-ni aŋi-we jeu-ke amba-wa-ni wa:-mi, uti ule-we-ni diga-je.” ...
I there this night that night-3SG INDEF-ACC what-INDEF amba-ACC-3SG kill.PST-1SG that meat-ACC-3SG eat-IMP
I там этот ночь тот ночь-3ЕД INDEF-АКК что-INDEF amba-АКК-3ЕД убить.ПРОШ-1ЕД тот мясо-АКК-3ЕД есть-ИМП
I killed some evil spirit in the night, eat its meat.”
Я ночью убил какого-то злого духа, ешь его мясо.”