
Lexical glosses for Udihe (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: the. 6 total hits in 5 transcripts.
Zabdala, an extraordinary snake (1)
uta-la e-li: b’a-gi {vsjo}.
that-LOC NEG-COND.2SG find-REP {the end}
тот-ЛОК НЕГ-КОНД.2ЕД найти-REP {the конец}
If you don’t find him even then, that’s all.
Если и тогда не найдешь – все.
A tame roe cub named Wasya (1)
{armjan} slavka wa-ili uta, {konec}.
{Armenian} PN kill-3SG that {the end}
{Armenian} С:ИМЯ убить-3ЕД тот {the конец}
The Armenian Slavka killed it and that's the end.
Армянин Славка убил её, и конец.
The moose and the frog (2)
bei tu: beje-zi tukä-nie, sokco-mie=de ogbö=tene.
it all.the.time fast-INST run-3SG sticking.out=FOC moose=CONTR
этот весь.the.время быстрый-INST бежать-3ЕД sticking.из=ФОК moose=CONTR
The Moose was still running having spread his antlers.
А лось всё быстрее бежит, рога развесив.
The iron bird and the silver bird (1)
{nu, govorit} “wa-ja!” {a on lezet na derevo, zachem?}
{well says} kill-IMP {and he is climbing the tree why}
{хорошо says} убить-ИМП {and he is climbing the дерево почему}
The Silver Bird said: «Well, kill him!», and he was climbing up the tree; what for?
«Ну, говорит, убей!», а он лезет на дерево; зачем?
The oriole grandson (1)
{ix zdes’ net, eto ulunge tam byvali, i to redko.}
{they do not live here, they used to live on the Ulunga river, though rarely}
{they делать не жить здесь, they used к жить на the Ulunga river, though rarely}
We don't have them here, they used to live on the Ulunga but seldom.
Их здесь нет, это на Улунге, там бывали, и то редко.
Ulunga is the Udihe name of the river Svetlovodnaja and of a village at the mouth of the Bikin river.