
Lexical glosses for Udihe (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Udihe transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the lexical gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Udihe.

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Search: cure. 3 total hits in 2 transcripts.
The weasel (2)
ñuxa-ŋie, ñu-gie, tülo-ini, gagda sie-ni a:si-gi:-ni.
dive.IMPF.CVB.SS get:out-REP.PRES.PTC rub-3SG other wound-3SG cure-REP-3SG
dive.ИМПФ.КОНВ.SS get:out-REP.PRES.ПРИЧ rub-3ЕД другой wound-3ЕД cure-REP-3ЕД
It jumped in and out again, rubbed against that stone and its second wound cured.
Нырнул, опять вынырнул, о камень потерся, и вторая рана у него зажила.
An old woman and her tiger cub (1)
uta ŋen'e mamaka-du-i xe:ti: "{tigra} ikteme-si-e-ni bin-a-wa, xeli wuisi-gi-je."
then go.PF old:woman-DAT-REFL shout.PRES.PTC {tiger} bite-IMPF-PST-3SG me-0-ACC quickly cure-REP-IMP
тогда идти.ПРФ старуха-ДАТ-РЕФЛ кричать.PRES.ПРИЧ {tiger} кусать-ИМПФ-ПРОШ-3ЕД me-0-АКК быстро cure-REP-ИМП
So he came and shouted to his wife: “A tiger bit me, cure me quickly.”
Потом пришёл и кричит своей жене: "Меня тигр покусал, скорее лечи."