
The bird cherry song

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An Udihe speaker performs a children’s song, which traditionally accompanied the shaking of bird cherries to soften them. The shaking of bird cherries was normally done in a closed-lid bowl.

Recording: Udihe videos were recorded by Maria Tolskaya, some with participation of Elena Perekhvalskaya, in 2006 in the village Krasnyy Yar and in 2011 in the village Agzu.

Image credit: Photograph taken in 2006 in the village Krasnyy Yar by Maria Tolskaya.



  • Cu’ai-we čikčiki-ne-ze-m(i) site-ne-m(i) diga-la-ni, a:da-laga-ni, za:sa ede-le-ni.
    bird:cherries-ACC shake-V-SBJV-1SG child-DESIG-REFL eat-PURP-3SG ripen-PURP-3SG soft become-PURP-3SG
    bird:cherries-АКК shake-ГЛ-СОСЛ-1ЕД ребенок-ДЕСИГ-РЕФЛ есть-ПУРП-3ЕД ripen-ПУРП-3ЕД soft become-ПУРП-3ЕД
    I will shake bird cherry berries so that they become soft and the children eat them.
    Ягоды черемухи потрясу, чтобы поспели, чтобы мягкими стали, чтобы дети ели.
  • čik-čik bo:-bo, čik-čik bo:-bo cu’ai-we čik-čiki-ne-ze-m(i), čik-čik bo:-bo site-ne-m(i) diga-la-ti čik-čik bo:-bo, a:da-laga-ni, za:sa ede-lege-ni, čik-čik bo:-bo.
    shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR shake-shake. IDEO.RED REFR bird:cherries-ACC shake-V-SBJV-1SG shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR child-DESIG-REFL eat-PURP-3PL shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR ripen-PURP-3SG soft become-PURP-3SG shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR
    shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR shake-shake. IDEO.RED REFR bird:cherries-АКК shake-ГЛ-СОСЛ-1ЕД shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR ребенок-ДЕСИГ-РЕФЛ есть-ПУРП-3МН shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR ripen-ПУРП-3ЕД soft become-ПУРП-3ЕД shake-shake.RED.IDEO REFR
    Chik-chik bo-bo, I will shake the bird cherry berries so that they become soft and the children eat them.
    Чик-чик бо-бо, чик-чик бо-бо, черемуху потрясу, чик-чик бо-бо чтобы дети ели, чик-чик бо-бо, чтобы она поспела и помягче стала, чик-чик бо-бо.