Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

This list of lexical glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: pl. 216 total hits in 23 transcripts.
Pear story (TY1000) (3)
Taŋ, tuŋ öː, tuŋ öːrpə, tuŋ uːrələk [tut tit] tude könməpulŋiń tadim.
ta -ŋ tu -ŋ öː(ŋ) tu -ŋ öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) tu -ŋ uː -R(ə)lək tude könmə -p(ul) -ŋiń taND -iː -m
dist -attr prox -attr child prox -attr child -pl prox -attr go -ss.ant.cvb 3sg.gen other -pl -dat give -tr -tr.3
dist -attr prox -attr ребенок prox -attr ребенок -pl prox -attr идти -ss.ant.cvb 3sg.gen другой -pl -dat дать -tr -tr.3
That boy, these boys, this boy went (sc. there) and gave (sc. pears) to his friends.
Pear story (TY1002) (4)
Tuŋ öː tude könməpulŋiń uːsəm, endə maːrqən jaːwələkələ [ti] tude könməpulŋiń tadim.
tu -ŋ öː tude könmə -p(ul) -ŋiń uː -s(ə) -m endə maːrqə -ND jabloko.R -lə tude könmə -p(ul) -ŋiń taND -jiː -m
prox -attr child 3sg.gen other -pl -dat go -caus -tr.3 distr one -gen apple.R -acc 3sg.gen other -pl -dat give -tr -tr.3
prox -attr ребенок 3sg.gen другой -pl -dat идти -caus -tr.3 distr один -gen apple.R -acc 3sg.gen другой -pl -dat дать -tr -tr.3
This child brought (them) to his friends and gave one apple each to his friends.
Pureːpulgi kereːl'əlŋudəγə [ŋudaγa] taŋ tudel, mm, naγaːl'əldəγə pureːpulgi kereːl'əldəγə tadaː öːrpələ l'eŋul, jaːd öːk.
pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -gi ker -Aː -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə ta -ŋ tude -l mm naγa -l'əl -dəγə pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -gi ker -Aː -l'əl -dəγə ta -Raː öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) -lə(ŋ) l'e -ŋu -l jaː -ND öː(ŋ) -k
berry -pl -3poss go.down -intr.punct -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb dist -attr 3sg -nom intj fall -ev -3.ds.cvb berry -pl -3poss go.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb dist -adv child -pl -pred be -3pl -sf three -gen child -mod.pred
berry -pl -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb dist -attr 3sg -nom intj fall -ev -3.ds.cvb berry -pl -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb dist -adv ребенок -pl -pred быть -3pl -sf три -gen ребенок -mod.pred
After his berries were spilt, and he, erm, fell down and his berries were spilt, then children were there, three children.
Pear story (TY1003) (10)
Pureːpulgi kereːl'əlŋudəγə [ŋudaγa] taŋ tudel, mm, naγaːl'əldəγə pureːpulgi kereːl'əldəγə tadaː öːrpələ l'eŋul, jaːd öːk.
pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -gi ker -Aː -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə ta -ŋ tude -l mm naγa -l'əl -dəγə pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -gi ker -Aː -l'əl -dəγə ta -Raː öː(ŋ) -pə(ŋ) -lə(ŋ) l'e -ŋu -l jaː -ND öː(ŋ) -k
berry -pl -3poss go.down -intr.punct -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb dist -attr 3sg -nom intj fall -ev -3.ds.cvb berry -pl -3poss go.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb dist -adv child -pl -pred be -3pl -sf three -gen child -mod.pred
berry -pl -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -ev -3pl -3.ds.cvb dist -attr 3sg -nom intj fall -ev -3.ds.cvb berry -pl -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -ev -3.ds.cvb dist -adv ребенок -pl -pred быть -3pl -sf три -gen ребенок -mod.pred
After his berries were spilt, and he, erm, fell down and his berries were spilt, then children were there, three children.
Finite story (TY1009) (4)
Tan [aːwuŋ] aːwuŋudəγə, əə, nimepulgi mər=edeːl.
ta -n aːwə -ŋu -dəγə əə nime -p(ul) -gi mə -r= eND -Aː -l
dist -adv sleep -3pl -3ds.cvb hesit house -pl -3poss aff -0= burn -intr.punct -sf
dist -adv спать -3pl -3ds.cvb hesit дом -pl -3poss aff -0= burn -intr.punct -sf
While they were sleeping, their house began to burn.
Finite story (TY1007) (4)
Čiː, čiːŋ aːwaːl'əlŋudəγə nimepəgi edeːl.
čiː čiː -ŋ aːwə -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə nime -pə -gi eND -Aː -l
people people -fc sleep -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb house -pl -3poss burn -intr.punct -sf
народ народ -fc спать -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb дом -pl -3poss burn -intr.punct -sf
While the people were sleeping, their house caught fire.
Finite story (TY1011) (5)
Taŋ mördələk qad'ir tilifoːn, tilifoːnnaːnum, l'eŋiń, pažaːrnikpulŋiń.
ta -ŋ mör -R(ə)lək qad'ir telefon.R telefon.R -LA.Y -nu -m l'e -ŋiń požarnik.R -p(ul) -ŋiń
dist -attr feel -ss.ant.cvb dp telephone.R telephone.R -vblz.Y -ipfv -tr.3 hesit -dat fireman.R -pl -dat
dist -attr feel -ss.ant.cvb dp telephone.R telephone.R -vblz.Y -ipfv -tr.3 hesit -dat fireman.R -pl -dat
When he noticed it, telephone, he phoned the firemen.
Picture elicitation (TY1202) (1)
Teńi ičoːləqənə jaːn köːd'əd-öːrpək aγoːlŋul, ten wal'pədəγə kin paːd'əd-öːk aγoːluŋul.
tu -Raː ičoː -ləqənə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː -pə -k oγ -oːl -ŋu -l tu -n wal' -pə -dəγə ki -ND paːd'ə -ND öː -k oγ -oːl -u -ŋu -l
prox -adv look -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb three -gen male -gen child -pl -mod.pred stand -stat -3pl -sf prox -adv near -pl -3ds.cvb two -gen female -gen child -mod.pred stand -stat -intr.ints -3pl -sf
prox -adv смотреть -1/2pl.ds.cond.cvb три -gen male -gen ребенок -pl -mod.pred стоять -stat -3pl -sf prox -adv near -pl -3ds.cvb два -gen female -gen ребенок -mod.pred стоять -stat -intr.ints -3pl -sf
Here we see three boys standing and here next to them two girls standing.
Picture elicitation (TY1206) (2)
Met ičoːlγənə apanəlaːńəŋ peldudeː oγoːlŋi, apanəlaː mə=nemelə mə=maːnui.
met ičoː -lγənə apanəlaː -ńə -ŋ peldudeː oγ -oːl -ŋi apanəlaː mə= neme -lə mə= maː -nu -j
1sg look -1/2sg.ds.cond.cvb old.woman -s.com -fc old.man stand -stat -pl old.woman aff= what -acc aff= wait -ipfv -intr.3
1sg смотреть -1/2sg.ds.cond.cvb старый.женщина -s.com -fc старый.мужчина стоять -stat -pl старый.женщина aff= что -acc aff= ждать -ipfv -intr.3
I saw how a husband and wife stand, the woman was waiting for something.
Picture elicitation (TY1204) (1)
Teńi jaːn ködek aγoːləl, jeːlgər paːd'əd-öːńə köːd'əd-öːk, juku öːrpələŋ aγoːlŋul.
tu -Raː jaː -ND köde -k oγ -oːl -ə -l jeːl -(laː)GVr paːd'ə -ND öː -ńə köːd'ə -ND öː -k juku öː -pə -lə -ŋ oγ -oːl -ŋu -l
prox -adv three -gen person -mod.pred stand -stat -0 -sf far -adv.loc female -gen child -s.com male -gen child -mod.pred small child -pl -pred -fc stand -stat -3pl -sf
prox -adv три -gen человек -mod.pred стоять -stat -0 -sf далеко -adv.loc female -gen ребенок -s.com male -gen ребенок -mod.pred маленький ребенок -pl -pred -fc стоять -stat -3pl -sf
Here three men are standing, and further away is a boy with a girl, small children are standing.