Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

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Finite story (TY1011) (7)
Ńamučəńd'ə göde waːj tude koːmnətəγə mər=aːwaːj.
ńamučə -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde waːj tude komnata.R -γə mə -r= aːwə -Aː -j
redness -vblz.propr -s.ptcp person also 3sg.gen room.R -loc aff -0= sleep -inch -intr.3
redness -vblz.propr -s.ptcp человек тоже 3sg.gen room.R -loc aff -0= спать -inch -intr.3
The red man also fell asleep in his room.
Qad'ir tadaːt taŋ, tideŋ, tideŋ köde taŋ tude pureːpulγənə aptaːnullək waː waː mə=kereːj, alun.
qad'ir ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ tide -ŋ tide -ŋ köde(ŋ) ta -ŋ tude pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -γənə aptə -nu -R(ə)lək waːj waːj mə= ker -Aː -j al -u -n
dp dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr invis -attr invis -attr person dist -attr 3sg.gen berry -pl -def.acc collect -ipfv -ss.ant.cvb also also aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3 under -0 -adv.prol
dp dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr invis -attr invis -attr человек dist -attr 3sg.gen berry -pl -def.acc collect -ipfv -ss.ant.cvb тоже тоже aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3 под -0 -adv.prol
Then, that man had collected his berries and went down again.
Pear story (TY1003) (4)
Qad'ir tadaːt taŋ, tideŋ, tideŋ köde taŋ tude pureːpulγənə aptaːnullək waː waː mə=kereːj, alun.
qad'ir ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ tide -ŋ tide -ŋ köde(ŋ) ta -ŋ tude pureː(ŋ) -p(ul) -γənə aptə -nu -R(ə)lək waːj waːj mə= ker -Aː -j al -u -n
dp dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr invis -attr invis -attr person dist -attr 3sg.gen berry -pl -def.acc collect -ipfv -ss.ant.cvb also also aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3 under -0 -adv.prol
dp dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr invis -attr invis -attr человек dist -attr 3sg.gen berry -pl -def.acc collect -ipfv -ss.ant.cvb тоже тоже aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3 под -0 -adv.prol
Then, that man had collected his berries and went down again.
Picture elicitation (TY1201) (1)
Teńi köːd'əd-öː saγanəbulə waːji wel'iːrəŋ uːsaːnum.
tu -Raː köːd'ə -ND öː saγanə -bul -lə waːj wel' -jiː -Rəŋ uː -s(ə) -nu -m
prox -adv male -gen child sit -n -acc also lift -tr -ss.sim.cvb go -caus -ipfv -tr.3
prox -adv male -gen ребенок сидеть -n -acc тоже lift -tr -ss.sim.cvb идти -caus -ipfv -tr.3
Here a boy has also picked up a chair and is carrying it.
Pear story (TY1000) (3)
Arai ńaːčin waːj wal', wal'dəγə [u] jaːn köːd'əd-öːk köluŋul.
araj.Y ńaːčin waːj wal' wal' -də -γə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː(ŋ) -k kel(u) -ŋu -l
suddenly.Y opposite also near near -3poss.obl -loc three -gen male -gen child -mod.pred come -3pl -sf
suddenly.Y opposite тоже near near -3poss.obl -loc три -gen male -gen ребенок -mod.pred прийти -3pl -sf
Then, three boys approached him.
Picture elicitation (TY1206) (1)
Maːrqən adoː samqəraːlə meńdələk waːji weːnnəγudə keweinui.
maːrqə -ND adoː samqəraːl -lə meŃD' -R(ə)lək waːj weː -ND -(lə)G(u)də kew -(A)j -nu -j
one -gen son table -acc take -ss.ant.cvb also other -gen -adv.dir go.away -pfv -ipfv -intr.3
один -gen сын стол -acc взять -ss.ant.cvb тоже другой -gen -adv.dir идти.прочь -pfv -ipfv -intr.3
A son took the table and is going elsewhere.
Picture elicitation (TY1204) (2)
Teńi maːrqən göde, köːd'əd-öː waːji saγanəbunńə keluːnui, saγanəbul, saγanəbul.
tu -Raː maːrqə -ND köde köːd'ə -ND öː waːj saγanə -bul -ńə kel(u) -nu -j saγanə -bul saγanə -bul
prox -adv one -gen person male -gen child also sit -n -s.com come -ipfv -intr.3 sit -n sit -n
prox -adv один -gen человек male -gen ребенок тоже сидеть -n -s.com прийти -ipfv -intr.3 сидеть -n сидеть -n
Here a man, a boy is also coming with a chair, a chair, a chair.
Pear story (TY1005) (2)
Taːt l'eːnudəγə tuŋ köde waːj puren pulgəč tude taŋ pureːpul waːj aptaːčər, pulgəil'əldəγə maːrqən öː, vilasipeːtńəi öːk kelui.
taːt l'e -nu -dəγə tu -ŋ köde waːj pure -n pul -GAi -j tude ta -ŋ pureː -p(ul) waːj aptə -(iː)čə -r pul -GAi -l'əl -dəγə maːrqə -ND öː velosiped.R -ń(ə) -j(ə) öː -k kel(u) -j
so be -ipfv -3ds.cvb prox -attr person also above -adv.prol come.out -intr.punct -intr.3 3sg.gen dist -attr berry -pl also collect -purp -ss.circ.cvb come.out -intr.punct -ev -3ds.cvb one -gen child bicycle.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp child -mod.pred come -intr.3
так быть -ipfv -3ds.cvb prox -attr человек тоже над -adv.prol прийти.из -intr.punct -intr.3 3sg.gen dist -attr berry -pl тоже collect -purp -ss.circ.cvb прийти.из -intr.punct -ev -3ds.cvb один -gen ребенок bicycle.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp ребенок -mod.pred прийти -intr.3
After that, that man went up again to gather his pears, and when he went up, a child, a child with a bicycle came.
Picture elicitation (TY1209) (1)
Taːt kelullək tadaːt [öl'd] taŋ saːl wol'dəγə oγoːdəγə keipələ kelul, waːji [jau] jaulaːγərut.
taːt kel(u) -R(ə)lək ta -Raː -t ta -ŋ saːl wal' -də -γə oγ -oːl -dəγə keipə -lə kel(u) -l waːj jau -(laː)GVr -u -t
so come -ss.ant.cvb dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr tree near -3poss.obl -loc stand -stat -3ds.cvb man -pred come -sf also left -adv.loc -0 -adv.abl
так прийти -ss.ant.cvb dist -adv -adv.abl dist -attr дерево near -3poss.obl -loc стоять -stat -3ds.cvb мужчина -pred прийти -sf тоже left -adv.loc -0 -adv.abl
She arrived and then, while she was standing near that tree, a man came, also from the left.
All-terrain vehicle (TY0006) (1)
Taŋ taŋudəŋ taŋ keweidəγə aduŋ Alajiːdeːγənə waːj manŋi "Taŋudəŋ [mi] uːγən mitńəŋ".
ta -ŋ ta -(lə)G(u)də -ŋ ta -ŋ kew -(A)j -dəγə adu -ŋ alajiː -deː -γənə waːj mon -ŋi ta -(lə)G(u)də -ŋ uː -γən mit -ńə -ŋ
dist -fc dist -adv.dir -fc dist -attr go.away -pfv -3ds.cvb vis -attr Alayi -dim -def.acc also say -intr.3pl dist -adv.dir -fc go -hort.3 1pl -s.com -fc
dist -fc dist -adv.dir -fc dist -attr идти.прочь -pfv -3ds.cvb vis -attr Alayi -dim -def.acc тоже сказать -intr.3pl dist -adv.dir -fc идти -hort.3 1pl -s.com -fc
They said that, when it sets off there, Alayi should also go with them.
"Когда вездеход поедет туда, - сказали - Алаинa пусть тоже поедeт с нами".