Tundra Yukaghir

Lexical glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

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Search: 3poss. 214 total hits in 24 transcripts.
Picture elicitation (TY1207) (2)
Paipəŋ keipələ joːdəγə paim.
paipə -ŋ keipə -lə joː -də -γə pai -m
woman -fc man -acc head -3poss.obl -loc hit -tr.3
женщина -fc мужчина -acc голова -3poss.obl -loc hit -tr.3
The woman hit the man on the head.
Picture elicitation (TY1202) (4)
Eleːn, tuŋ [la], taŋ labunməŋ əl=paːd'əd-öː ugurčədəγə saγanə, joːdəγə saγanəi.
eleń tu -ŋ ta -ŋ labunmə -ŋ əl= paːd'ə -ND öː ugurčə -də -γə saγanə joː -də -γə saγanə -j
no prox -attr dist -attr ptarmigan -fc neg= female -gen child foot -3poss.obl -loc sit(neg.3) head -3poss.obl -loc sit -intr.3
no prox -attr dist -attr ptarmigan -fc neg= female -gen ребенок ступня -3poss.obl -loc сидеть(neg.3) голова -3poss.obl -loc сидеть -intr.3
(Does that bird sit on the girl's leg?) No, that ptarmigan is not sitting on the girl's leg, it's sitting on her head.
Pear story (TY1004) (6)
Moŋogindəγənə tudiń tadiŋaː.
moŋo -gində -γənə tude -i -ń taND -jiː -ŋa(m)
cap -3poss.obl -def.acc 3sg -0 -def.dat give -tr -tr.3pl
cap -3poss.obl -def.acc 3sg -0 -def.dat дать -tr -tr.3pl
They gave him his hat.
Taŋ naγadəγə el'in moŋogi kereːl.
ta -ŋ naγa -dəγə el'i -n moŋo(ŋ) -gi ker -Aː -l
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb first -adv cap -3poss go.down -intr.punct -sf
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb первый -adv cap -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -sf
When he fell down, first his cap flew off.
Life story (TY0005) (6)
Tadaːt leweidə ustaγən metid'eː eureːnund'eŋ.
ta -Raː -t leweil -də usta.Y -γən met -id'eː eurə -nun -jə(ŋ)
dist -adv -adv.abl summer -3poss.gen length.Y -prol 1sg -ints walk -hab -intr.1sg
dist -adv -adv.abl лето -3poss.gen length.Y -prol 1sg -ints идти -hab -intr.1sg
Then, during the summer, I walked alone.
Потом все лето одна ходила.
Pear story (TY1003) (10)
Taŋ naγadəγə el'in moŋogi kereːl.
ta -ŋ naγa -dəγə el'i -n moŋo(ŋ) -gi ker -Aː -l
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb first -adv cap -3poss go.down -intr.punct -sf
dist -attr fall -3.ds.cvb первый -adv cap -3poss идти.down -intr.punct -sf
When he fell down, first his cap flew off.
Finite story (TY1009) (4)
Tan [aːwuŋ] aːwuŋudəγə, əə, nimepulgi mər=edeːl.
ta -n aːwə -ŋu -dəγə əə nime -p(ul) -gi mə -r= eND -Aː -l
dist -adv sleep -3pl -3ds.cvb hesit house -pl -3poss aff -0= burn -intr.punct -sf
dist -adv спать -3pl -3ds.cvb hesit дом -pl -3poss aff -0= burn -intr.punct -sf
While they were sleeping, their house began to burn.
Finite story (TY1007) (4)
Čiː, čiːŋ aːwaːl'əlŋudəγə nimepəgi edeːl.
čiː čiː -ŋ aːwə -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə nime -pə -gi eND -Aː -l
people people -fc sleep -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb house -pl -3poss burn -intr.punct -sf
народ народ -fc спать -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb дом -pl -3poss burn -intr.punct -sf
While the people were sleeping, their house caught fire.
Pear Story (TY1001) (5)
Pureːpəgi pömörčil'əlŋudəγə tadaː, wol'dəγə, əə, l'elək, joːraːnui öːrpə, köːd'əd-öːrpə, l'ukud öːrpə waːj l'eŋi.
pureː -pə -gi pömö -R(ə) -(uː)ji -l'əl -ŋu -dəγə ta -Raː wal' -də -γə əə l'e -lək joːrə -nu -j(ə) öː -pə köːd'ə -ND öː -pə juku -ND öː -pə waːj l'e -ŋi
berry -pl -3poss round -intr -pluract -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb dist -adv near -3poss.obl -loc hesit hesit -ins play -ipfv -s.ptcp child -pl male -gen child -pl small -gen child -pl also be -intr.3pl
berry -pl -3poss round -intr -pluract -ev -3pl -3ds.cvb dist -adv near -3poss.obl -loc hesit hesit -ins play -ipfv -s.ptcp ребенок -pl male -gen ребенок -pl маленький -gen ребенок -pl тоже быть -intr.3pl
The berries rolled away there, around him, erm, and some children that were playing, boys, little children, were also there.
Picture elicitation (TY1205) (4)
Paːd'əd-öː maːrqən köːd'əd-öːγənə joːdəγə paim.
paːd'ə -ND öː maːrqə -ND köːd'ə -ND öː -γənə joː -də -γə pai -m
female -gen child one -gen male -gen child -def.acc head -3poss.obl -loc hit -tr.3
female -gen ребенок один -gen male -gen ребенок -def.acc голова -3poss.obl -loc hit -tr.3
(Who is the girl hitting?) The girl is hitting a boy on the head.