Tundra Yukaghir

Pear story (TY1005)

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Narration of the events of an American short film about a pear farmer and some children known as the ‘Pear story’. Here the story is narrated by Fedora Ivanovna Borisova.

Recording: Tundra Yukaghir texts were recorded in the villages of Andryushkino and Chersky, Chersky, Lower Kolyma District, Yakutia, between 2010 and 2012 by Dejan Matić and Cecilia Odé. The transcriptions and glosses were provided by Dejan Matić, mostly in cooperation with Vasilij Nikolaevich Tretyakov.



  • FIB
    Maːrqən göde pureːpələ aptaːnum.
    maːrqə -ND köde pureː -pə -lə aptə -nu -m
    one -gen person berry -pl -acc collect -ipfv -tr.3
    один -gen человек berry -pl -acc collect -ipfv -tr.3
    A man is gathering berries.
  • FIB
    Kin čoːrəskəγə aptaːl'əlum.
    ki -ND čoːrəskə -γə aptə -l'əl -u -m
    two -gen cauldron -loc collect -ev -0 -tr.3
    два -gen cauldron -loc collect -ev -0 -tr.3
    He collected them in two baskets (lit. cauldrons).
  • FIB
    El'in puret tude l'eγə tite kudičiːm.
    el'i -n pure -t tude l'e -γə tite kude -jiː -m
    first -adv above -adv.abl 3sg hesit -loc like lie -tr -tr.3
    первый -adv над -adv.abl 3sg hesit -loc любить лежать -tr -tr.3
    He first put them from above (sc. from the tree) in his whatsitsname.
  • FIB
    Fartuqqə, tude fartuqqə kudičiːm [guru gu], taŋ, pureːpələ [pu] puret.
    fartukh.R -γə tude fartukh.R -γə kude -jiː -m ta -ŋ pureː -pə -lə pure -t
    apron.R -loc 3sg.gen apron.R -loc lie -tr -tr.3 dist -attr berry -pl -acc above -adv.abl
    apron.R -loc 3sg.gen apron.R -loc лежать -tr -tr.3 dist -attr berry -pl -acc над -adv.abl
    In the apron, he put them in his apron, the berries from above.
  • FIB
    Tadaːt alun gereːrələk kin karsiːnəγə kudičiːl'əń, kudičiːm.
    ta -Raː -t al -u -n ker -Aː -R(ə)lək ki -ND korzina.R -γə kude -jiː -l'əl -j kude -jiː -m
    dist -adv -adv.abl under -0 -adv.prol go.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb two -gen basket.R -loc lie -tr -ev -intr.3 lie -tr -tr.3
    dist -adv -adv.abl под -0 -adv.prol идти.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb два -gen basket.R -loc лежать -tr -ev -intr.3 лежать -tr -tr.3
    Then he went down and put them in two baskets.
  • FIB
    Taŋ kudičiːnudəγə maːrqoːlərəŋ mə=kereːj.
    ta -ŋ kude -jiː -nu -dəγə maːrqə -oːl -l -ə -Rəŋ mə= ker -Aː -j
    dist -attr lie -tr -ipfv -3ds.cvb one -stat -stat -0 -ss.sim.cvb aff= go.down -intr.punct -intr.3
    dist -attr лежать -tr -ipfv -3ds.cvb один -stat -stat -0 -ss.sim.cvb aff= идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3
    While he was putting it, one of them fell down.
  • FIB
    Tadaːt, taŋńələ tude l'elək, waγadiːleːlək pileːrələk karsiːnəγə kuderəm.
    ta -Raː -t ta -ŋńə -lə tude l'e -lək waγadiːleː -lək pileː -R(ə)lək korzina.R -γə kude -R(ə) -m
    dist -adv -adv.abl dist -n -acc 3sg.gen hesit -ins cloth -ins wipe -ss.ant.cvb basket.R -loc lie -tr -tr.3
    dist -adv -adv.abl dist -n -acc 3sg.gen hesit -ins cloth -ins wipe -ss.ant.cvb basket.R -loc лежать -tr -tr.3
    Then he wiped it with his thingo, with a cloth, and put it into a basket.
  • FIB
    kude -R(ə) -m
    lie -tr -tr.3
    лежать -tr -tr.3
    He put it (there).
  • FIB
    Tadaːt, taːt l'eːnudəγə, maːrqən köde, kazaːńəi köde, uːčič.
    ta -Raː -t taːt l'e -nu -dəγə maːrqə -ND köde koza.R -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde uː -čiː -j
    dist -adv -adv.abl so be -ipfv -3ds.cvb one -gen person goat.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp person go -intr.punct -intr.3
    dist -adv -adv.abl так быть -ipfv -3ds.cvb один -gen человек goat.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp человек идти -intr.punct -intr.3
    Then, after that, a man, a man with a goat, passed by.
  • FIB
    Tude taŋ kazaːγənə waːjrəŋ mə=keurəi, teːŋudəŋ.
    tude ta -ŋ koza.R -γənə waːj -Rəŋ mə= kew -R(ə) -(A)j -j teː -(lə)G(u)də -ŋ
    3sg.gen dist -attr goat.R -def.acc draw -ss.sim.cvb aff= go.away -tr -pfv -intr.3 med -adv.dir -fc
    3sg.gen dist -attr goat.R -def.acc draw -ss.sim.cvb aff= идти.прочь -tr -pfv -intr.3 med -adv.dir -fc
    Dragging his goat, he took it in that direction.
  • FIB
    Taːt l'eːnudəγə tuŋ köde waːj puren pulgəč tude taŋ pureːpul waːj aptaːčər, pulgəil'əldəγə maːrqən öː, vilasipeːtńəi öːk kelui.
    taːt l'e -nu -dəγə tu -ŋ köde waːj pure -n pul -GAi -j tude ta -ŋ pureː -p(ul) waːj aptə -(iː)čə -r pul -GAi -l'əl -dəγə maːrqə -ND öː velosiped.R -ń(ə) -j(ə) öː -k kel(u) -j
    so be -ipfv -3ds.cvb prox -attr person also above -adv.prol come.out -intr.punct -intr.3 3sg.gen dist -attr berry -pl also collect -purp -ss.circ.cvb come.out -intr.punct -ev -3ds.cvb one -gen child bicycle.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp child -mod.pred come -intr.3
    так быть -ipfv -3ds.cvb prox -attr человек тоже над -adv.prol прийти.из -intr.punct -intr.3 3sg.gen dist -attr berry -pl тоже collect -purp -ss.circ.cvb прийти.из -intr.punct -ev -3ds.cvb один -gen ребенок bicycle.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp ребенок -mod.pred прийти -intr.3
    After that, that man went up again to gather his pears, and when he went up, a child, a child with a bicycle came.
  • FIB
    Taŋ öːŋ el'in ičoːm taŋ l'elək, taŋ pureːpələ, karziːnələ, ičoːm, ičoːm, tadaːt d'e, taŋ köde, pure l'ei~rukun, buollaːnə tudeγənə əl=ičoː.
    ta -ŋ öː -ŋ el'i -n ičoː -m ta -ŋ l'e -lək ta -ŋ pureː -pə -lə korzina.R -lə ičoː -m ičoː -m ta -Raː -t d'e.Y ta -ŋ köde pure l'e -j(ə) sukun buollaγïna.Y tude -γənə əl= ičoː
    dist -attr child -fc first -adv look -tr.3 dist -attr hesit -ins dist -attr berry -pl -acc basket.R -acc look -tr.3 look -tr.3 dist -adv -adv.abl dp.Y dist -attr person above be -s.ptcp ~nmlz dp.Y 3sg -def.acc neg= look(neg.3)
    dist -attr ребенок -fc первый -adv смотреть -tr.3 dist -attr hesit -ins dist -attr berry -pl -acc basket.R -acc смотреть -tr.3 смотреть -tr.3 dist -adv -adv.abl dp.Y dist -attr человек над быть -s.ptcp ~nmlz dp.Y 3sg -def.acc neg= смотреть(neg.3)
    That boy was first looking at that, uhm, these pears, in the basket, he looked and looked, and then that man that was up (sc. on the tree), he didn't see him.
  • FIB
    Taːt l'er tuŋ öːŋ tude vilasipeːtqə taŋ karziːnə, maːrqən karziːnələ kuderələk mə=keurəi.
    taːt l'e -r tu -ŋ öː -ŋ tude velosiped.R -γə ta -ŋ korzina.R maːrqə -ND korzina.R -lə kude -R(ə)lək mə= kew -R(ə) -(A)j -j
    so be -ss.circ.cvb prox -attr child -fc 3sg.gen bicycle.R -loc dist -attr basket.R one -gen basket.R -acc lie -ss.ant.cvb aff= go.away -intr -pfv -intr.3
    так быть -ss.circ.cvb prox -attr ребенок -fc 3sg.gen bicycle.R -loc dist -attr basket.R один -gen basket.R -acc лежать -ss.ant.cvb aff= идти.прочь -intr -pfv -intr.3
    Then this boy put this basket, one basket on his bicycle and carried it away.
  • FIB
    Taːt uːnudəγə, l'eŋ, [tu] taŋ uːnudəγə, əə, paːd'əd~öː, waːji vilasipeːtńəi paːd'əd~öː kelui, tudeŋiń.
    taːt uː -nu -dəγə l'e -ŋ ta -ŋ uː -nu -dəγə əə paːd'ə -ND öː waːj velosiped.R -ń(ə) -j(ə) paːd'ə -ND öː kel(u) -j tude -ŋiń
    so go -ipfv -3ds.cvb hesit -attr dist -attr go -ipfv -3ds.cvb hesit female -gen child also bicycle.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp female -gen child come -intr.3 3sg -dat
    так идти -ipfv -3ds.cvb hesit -attr dist -attr идти -ipfv -3ds.cvb hesit female -gen ребенок тоже bicycle.R -vblz.propr -s.ptcp female -gen ребенок прийти -intr.3 3sg -dat
    While he was going like that, uhm, while he was going, erm, a girl, a girl that was also on a bicycle, came, towards him.
  • FIB
    Taŋ paːd'əd~öːlə ičoːnurəŋ taŋ [...] vilasipeːtlək tite, l'eγə, mə=naγai.
    ta -ŋ paːd'ə -ND öː -lə ičoː -nu -Rəŋ ta -ŋ velosiped.R -lək tite l'e -γə mə= naγa -j
    dist -attr female -gen child -acc look -ipfv -ss.sim.cvb dist -attr bicycle.R -ins like hesit -loc aff= fall -intr.3
    dist -attr female -gen ребенок -acc смотреть -ipfv -ss.sim.cvb dist -attr bicycle.R -ins любить hesit -loc aff= fall -intr.3
    Looking at that girl, he, erm, on the bicycle, on it, he fell.
  • FIB
    Taŋ, l'egi, pureːpulgi jaunər mə=saqsəiŋi.
    ta -ŋ l'e -gi pureː -p(ul) -gi jaunə -r mə= saqsə -(A)j -ŋi
    dist -attr hesit -3poss berry -pl -3poss all -s.pred aff= spill -pfv -intr.3pl
    dist -attr hesit -3poss berry -pl -3poss весь -s.pred aff= spill -pfv -intr.3pl
    Those, uhm, pears all spilt.
  • FIB
    Taːt saγanaːnudəγə jaːn köːd'əd~öːpul keluŋi
    taːt saγanə -nu -dəγə jaː -ND köːd'ə -ND öː -p(ul) kel(u) -ŋi
    so sit -ipfv -3ds.cvb three -gen male -gen child -pl come -intr.3pl
    так сидеть -ipfv -3ds.cvb три -gen male -gen ребенок -pl прийти -intr.3pl
    While he was sitting, three boys appeared.
  • FIB
    Tan pureːpədəγənə mər=aptaːŋaː.
    ta -n pureː -pə -dəγənə mə= aptə -ŋa(m)
    dist -adv berry -pl -3ds.cond.cvb aff= collect -tr.3pl
    dist -adv berry -pl -3ds.cond.cvb aff= collect -tr.3pl
    They began to gather his pears.
  • FIB
    Aptəllək tite kudičiːŋaː, tadaːt tudeγənə taŋ biləsipeːttəγə kuderəllək mə=pöčesəiŋaː.
    aptə -R(ə)lək tite kude -jiː -ŋa(m) ta -Raː -t tude -γənə ta -ŋ velosiped.R -də -γə kude -R(ə) -R(ə)lək mə= pöče -sAi -ŋa(m)
    collect -ss.ant.cvb like lie -tr -tr.3pl dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -def.acc dist -attr bicycle.R -3poss.obl -loc lie -tr -ss.ant.cvb aff= send -tr.punct -tr.3pl
    collect -ss.ant.cvb любить лежать -tr -tr.3pl dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -def.acc dist -attr bicycle.R -3poss.obl -loc лежать -tr -ss.ant.cvb aff= послать -tr.punct -tr.3pl
    They gathered them and put (them back) like that, then they put him on his bike and sent him away.
  • FIB
    Tadaːt, əə, taːt uːnureŋ l'elə jöːŋaː.
    ta -Raː -t əə taːt uː -nu -Rəŋ l'e -lə jöː -ŋa(m)
    dist -adv -adv.abl hesit so go -ipfv -ss.sim.cvb hesit -acc see -tr.3pl
    dist -adv -adv.abl hesit так идти -ipfv -ss.sim.cvb hesit -acc видеть -tr.3pl
    Then, uhm, going like that, they saw that thingo.
  • FIB
    Šl'aːpə, karoːčə, šl'aːpə, šl'aːpədəγənə [nu nu] nuːrələk maːrqən öː mə=kečim, tudeŋiń.
    šljapa.R koroče.R šljapa.R šljapa.R -də -γənə nug -R(ə)lək maːrqə -ND öː mə= keči -m tude -ŋiń
    hat.R in.short.R hat.R hat.R -3poss.obl -def.acc find -ss.ant.cvb one -gen child aff= bring -tr.3 3sg -dat
    hat.R в.short.R hat.R hat.R -3poss.obl -def.acc найти -ss.ant.cvb один -gen ребенок aff= принести -tr.3 3sg -dat
    Hat, in short, hat, they found his hat and one boy brought it, to him.
  • FIB
    Taːt l'elək...
    taːt l'e -lək
    so hesit -ins
    так hesit -ins
    Then, erm...
  • FIB
    Taŋ öːŋ l'eŋ [moŋodəg], ee, moŋodəγənə uːseːm buolla.
    ta -ŋ öː -ŋ l'e -ŋ ee moŋo -də -γənə uː -s(ə) -m buolla.Y
    dist -attr child -fc hesit -fc intj cap -3poss.obl -def.acc go -caus -tr.3 dp.Y
    dist -attr ребенок -fc hesit -fc intj cap -3poss.obl -def.acc идти -caus -tr.3 dp.Y
    That boy, uhm, he brought him his hat.
  • FIB
    Taːt l'er taŋ tuŋ öːpəŋiń gruːšəplə tadim.
    taːt l'e -r ta -ŋ tu -ŋ öː -pə -ŋiń gruša.R -p(ul) -lə taND -jiː -m
    so be -ss.circ.cvb dist -attr prox -attr child -pl -dat pear.R -pl -acc give -tr -tr.3
    так быть -ss.circ.cvb dist -attr prox -attr ребенок -pl -dat pear.R -pl -acc дать -tr -tr.3
    That's why he gave these children pears.
  • FIB
    Tadaːt taːt l'eːnuŋudəγə buollaːnə taŋ tideŋ köde, pureːn aptaːnui köde, alun kereːj.
    ta -Raː -t taːt l'e -nu -ŋu -dəγə buollaγïna.Y ta -ŋ tide -ŋ köde pureː -ND aptə -nu -j(ə) köde al -u -n ker -Aː -j
    dist -adv -adv.abl so be -ipfv -3pl -3ds.cvb dp.Y dist -attr invis -attr person berry -gen collect -ipfv -s.ptcp person under -0 -adv.prol go.down -intr.punct -intr.3
    dist -adv -adv.abl так быть -ipfv -3pl -3ds.cvb dp.Y dist -attr invis -attr человек berry -gen collect -ipfv -s.ptcp человек под -0 -adv.prol идти.down -intr.punct -intr.3
    Then, after they did that, that man, the man that was gathering pears, went down.
  • FIB
    ičoː -m
    look -tr.3
    смотреть -tr.3
    He looked.
  • FIB
    Anmərγi jaːloːlur l'eŋi manur, aa, čuŋnum.
    anmərγi jaː -l -oːl -u -r l'e -ŋi mon -u -r aa čuŋ -nu -m
    probably three -stat -res -0 -ss.circ.cvb be -intr.3pl say -0 -ss.circ.cvb intj count -ipfv -tr.3
    probably три -stat -res -0 -ss.circ.cvb быть -intr.3pl сказать -0 -ss.circ.cvb intj count -ipfv -tr.3
    He was counting and thought that there must have been three (baskets).
  • FIB
    Maːrqoːń, kiːjoːń.
    maːrqə -oːl -j ki -j -oːl -j
    one -stat -intr.3 two -0 -stat -intr.3
    один -stat -intr.3 два -0 -stat -intr.3
    There is one, there are two.
  • FIB
    Jaːloːlur mər=ət=ŋolui buolla.
    jaː -l -oːl -u -r mə= ət= (ŋ)ol -u -j buolla.Y
    three -stat -res -0 -ss.circ.cvb aff= irr= cop -0 -intr.3 dp.Y
    три -stat -res -0 -ss.circ.cvb aff= irr= cop -0 -intr.3 dp.Y
    There were three, that's what it should be.
  • FIB
    Tadaː buollaːnə eul'ə.
    ta -Raː buollaγïna.Y eul'ə
    dist -adv dp.Y not.be
    dist -adv dp.Y не.быть
    But it wasn't there.
  • FIB
    Taːt l'eːnudəγə tideŋ öːrpəpul tudeγənə uːčiːŋi.
    taːt l'e -nu -dəγə tide -ŋ öː -pə -p(ul) tude -γənə uː -čiː -ŋi
    so be -ipfv -3ds.cvb invis -attr child -pl -pl 3sg -loc.contr go -intr.punct -intr.3pl
    так быть -ipfv -3ds.cvb invis -attr ребенок -pl -pl 3sg -loc.contr идти -intr.punct -intr.3pl
    While he was doing that, those boys passed next to him.
  • FIB
    Voːt, qad'ir, kańec.
    vot.R qad'ir konec.R
    dp.R dp end.R
    dp.R dp конец.R
    And there, that's all, the end.