Tundra Yukaghir

Suffixes in Tundra Yukaghir

This list of suffixes found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix appears in the texts available in the collection forTundra Yukaghir.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: l. 350 total hits in 30 transcripts.
Travelling to the tundra (12)
Conversation (TY0001) (145)
Tudel [jau]...
tude -l
3sg -nom
3sg -nom
"Kukul, əl=tet tite weː metul?" Kукул эл тэт титэ виэрэлэк кэвэйл.
kukul əl= tet tite weː met -u -l
devil neg= 2sg such do(af) 1sg -0 -nom
черт neg= 2sg such делать(af) 1sg -0 -nom
"You devil, wasn’t it you that did this to me?!"
"Черт, не ты ли мне это сделал? "
Conversation between siblings (TY0002) (18)
ńumu -ń(ə) -l
camp -vblz.propr -nmlz
стоянка -vblz.propr -nmlz
The place of the old camp?
Прежнее место, где стояла яранга?..
Life story (TY0005) (18)
Ńumud'əl, ńumud'ən kičilγə aːwaːnull'əld'əŋ.
ńumu -d'ə -l ńumu -d'ə -l -ND kič -i -l -γə aːwə -nun -l'əl -jə(ŋ)
camp -intr -n camp -intr -n -gen final -0 -stat -loc sleep -hab -ev -intr.1sg
стоянка -intr -n стоянка -intr -n -gen final -0 -stat -loc спать -hab -ev -intr.1sg
I used to sleep all the way to the new camp.
До новой стоянки я спала.
Fire and the evil man (TY0003) (7)
Kukul, əl=tet tite weː metul?
kukul əl=tet tite weː-Ø met-u-l
devil NEG=2SG so do-AF 1SG-0-ACC
черт НЕГ=2ЕД так делать-AF 1ЕД-0-АКК
"What the hell, wasn’t it you that did this to me?!
"Черт, не ты ли мне это сделал?
Pear Story (TY1001) (3)
Tudel waːj karziːnəńi.
tude -l waːj korzina.R -ń(ə) -j
3sg -nom also basket.R -vblz.propr -intr.3
3sg -nom тоже basket.R -vblz.propr -intr.3
He also had a basket.
Pear story (TY1004) (7)
jaː -l -oːl -ŋi
three -0 -stat -intr.3pl
три -0 -stat -intr.3pl
There were three (of them).
Wild reindeer (10)
Taːt l'eː uːnulγanəŋ met lajaːt qad'ir araj örulə möruː-l.
taːt l'eː uː-nu-lγanə-ŋ met laja-t qad'ir araj.Y ör-u-l-lə möruː-l
so DP go-IPF-1/2SG.DS.CVB-FC 1SG back-ABL DP suddenly.Y cry-0-ACT.NMLZ-FOC heard-SF
так DP идти-IPF-1/2ЕД.DS.КОНВ-FC 1ЕД назад-АБЛ DP suddenly.Y плакать-0-ACT.НМЛЗ-ФОК heard-SF
So I walked and heard a scream behind me.
И вот так я шел, когда сзади послышался крик.
Pear story (TY1000) (12)
Qad'ir čuŋdeːnuni [qa] qadaː tittəl, joːdəγənə gruːšələ tittəl pögitəŋu l'eː.
qad'ir čuŋdə -nun -j qa qa -Raː tittə -l joːdəγənə gruša.R -lə tittə -l pögi -tə -ŋu l'eː
ptl think -hab -intr.3 qu qu -adv 3pl -nom apparently pear.R -ind.acc 3pl -nom steal -caus -3pl(af) ptl
ptl think -hab -intr.3 qu qu -adv 3pl -nom apparently pear.R -ind.acc 3pl -nom украсть -caus -3pl(af) ptl
And he thought where they..., that it was probably them that had stolen them.