Tundra Yukaghir

Suffixes in Tundra Yukaghir

This list of suffixes found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

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Search: ń. 34 total hits in 12 transcripts.
Conversation (TY0001) (16)
Ee, tol'ka metiń pučovkə eul'ə, met əl=vičiraːn ŋod'əŋ.
ee tol'ko.R met -i -ń putovka.R eul'ə met əl= veteran.R (ŋ)ol -jə(ŋ)
intj only.R 1sg -0 -def.dat hospital.admission.R not.be(neg.3) 1sg neg= veteran.R cop -neg.1sg
intj only.R 1sg -0 -def.dat hospital.admission.R не.быть(neg.3) 1sg neg= veteran.R cop -neg.1sg
Yeah, but I don't have the hospital admission, I am not a veteran.
Только мне путёвки (в санаторий) нету, я не ветеран.
Tuŋ göde tude nimeːń laiγudəŋ keweč.
tu -ŋ köde tude nime -ń lai -(lə)G(u)də kew -(A)j -j
prox -attr person 3sg.gen house -def.dat back -adv.dir.fc go.away -pfv -intr.3
prox -attr человек 3sg.gen дом -def.dat назад -adv.dir.fc идти.прочь -pfv -intr.3
That man went back home.
Этот человек поехал обратно домой.
Pear story (TY1002) (2)
Tadaːt tudiń uːsəllək taŋ moŋolə mə=tadiŋaː tudiń.
ta -Raː -t tude -i -ń uː -s(ə) -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ moŋo -lə mə= taND -jiː -ŋa(m) tude -i -ń
dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -0 -def.dat go -caus -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr cap -acc aff= give -tr -tr.3pl 3sg -0 -def.dat
dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -0 -def.dat идти -caus -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr cap -acc aff= дать -tr -tr.3pl 3sg -0 -def.dat
Then they brought him the hat and gave it to him.
Fire and the evil man (TY0003) (1)
Tuŋ göde tude nimeːn lajγudəŋ keweč.
tu-ŋ köde tude nime:-ń laja-Gudə-ŋ kew-ej-j
DEM.PROX-ATTR person 3SG house-INALN.DAT back-LAT-FC go:away-PF-INTR.3
DEM.PROX-ATTR человек 3ЕД дом-INALN.ДАТ назад-LAT-FC go:away-ПРФ-ИНТР.3
That man went back home.
Этот человек поехал обратно домой.
Pear story (TY1004) (2)
Patinəi pureːńəi~rukunələ.
pota -n(ə) -j(ə) pure -ń -j(ə) ~sukun -ə -lə
full -stat -s.ptcp above -def.dat -s.ptcp ~nmlz -0 -pred
full -stat -s.ptcp над -def.dat -s.ptcp ~nmlz -0 -pred
It was one that was full of berries.
Life story (TY0005) (2)
"Molitəgə čaːjlə mitiń lolγəsum."
mol -i -t(ə)gə čaj.R -lə mit -i -ń lolγə -s(ə) -u -m
dp -0 -aug tea.R -acc 1pl -0 -def.dat boil -caus -0 -tr.3
dp -0 -aug tea.R -acc 1pl -0 -def.dat boil -caus -0 -tr.3
"How nice, she has boiled us some tea."
Спасибо, чай нам вскипятила.
A short conversation (1)
Aduŋ, Alajiːdeː, Alajiːdeːγanə mani, "Taŋ tude abučeːń mitńəŋ uːγan", mani.
adu-ŋ Alajiː-deː Alajiː-deː-γanə mon-j ta-ŋ tude abučeː-ń mit-ńə-ŋ uː-γan mon-j
DEM.VISIB-ATTR Alay-ДИМ Alay-ДИМ-АКК сказать-ИНТР.3 DEM.DIST-ATTR 3ЕД бабушка-INALN.ДАТ 1МН-COM-FC идти-ИМП.3 сказать-ИНТР.3
She said about Alayi, Alayi, that she should go with them to her grandmother, she said.
Тут про Алайи, Алайи говорит: "Пусть с нами едет к своей бабушке",-говорит.
Pear Story (TY1001) (3)
Taŋ jaːd öːrpə taŋ pureːdə aptaːnui köde wol'iń uːčiːŋi.
ta -ŋ jaː -ND öː -pə ta -ŋ pureː -də aptə -nu -j(ə) köde wal' -i -ń uː -čiː -ŋi
dist -attr three -gen child -pl dist -attr berry -3poss.gen collect -ipfv -s.ptcp person near -0 -def.dat go -intr.punct -intr.3pl
dist -attr три -gen ребенок -pl dist -attr berry -3poss.gen collect -ipfv -s.ptcp человек near -0 -def.dat идти -intr.punct -intr.3pl
These three children passed next to the man who was collecting his berries.
Picture elicitation (TY1201) (1)
Eleːń, tuŋ labunməŋ əl=köde joːdəγənə saγanə, tudel paːd'əd-öːdeː, paːd'əd-öːń joːdəγə saγanaːj.
eleń tu -ŋ labunmə -ŋ əl= köde joː -də -γənə saγanə tude -l paːd'ə -ND öː -deː paːd'ə -ND öː -ń joː -də -γə saγanə -Aː -j
no prox -attr ptarmigan -fc neg= person head -3poss.obl -loc.contr sit(neg.3) 3sg -nom female -gen child -dim female -gen child -def.dat head -3poss.obl -loc sit -inch -intr.3
no prox -attr ptarmigan -fc neg= человек голова -3poss.obl -loc.contr сидеть(neg.3) 3sg -nom female -gen ребенок -dim female -gen ребенок -def.dat голова -3poss.obl -loc сидеть -inch -intr.3
No, this partrige is not sitting on that man's head, it sat down on the little girl's, on the girl's head.
Finite story (TY1009) (2)
Taːt kelurələk qad'ir tuŋ čiːpulγənə monaːŋi "Maːlək mitiń keluk", əə, torońəi köde əl=l'e, mər=iŋeːm.
taːt kel(u) -R(ə)lək qad'ir tu -ŋ čiː -p(ul) -γənə mon -Aː -ŋi maːlək mit -i -ń kel(u) -k əə toro -ń(ə) -j(ə) köde əl= l'e mə -r= iŋeː -m
so come -ss.ant.cvb dp prox -attr people -pl -def.acc say -inch -intr.3pl dp 1pl -0 -def.dat come -imp.2 hesit black -intr -s.ptcp person neg= be(neg.3) aff -0= fear -tr.3
так прийти -ss.ant.cvb dp prox -attr народ -pl -def.acc сказать -inch -intr.3pl dp 1pl -0 -def.dat прийти -imp.2 hesit черный -intr -s.ptcp человек neg= быть(neg.3) aff -0= fear -tr.3
When they came there, they began to tell these people "Come to us", erm, the black man didn't do it, he was afraid.