Tundra Yukaghir

Suffix glosses for Tundra Yukaghir (English)

This list of suffix glosses found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.

Each item is followed by a number which gives an indication of how many times the suffix gloss appears in the texts available in the collection for Tundra Yukaghir.

A list of of abbreviations used for the English glosses found in the texts is accessible from the help menu.

Clicking on the number following an item will take you to a result set for that item.

Search: pot. 5 total hits in 2 transcripts.
My early life (4)
"Tet [aː aːr] aːriːlək ködeŋolləŋ punmorimək."
tet aːriː-lək köde-ŋolləŋ puń-mori-mək
2SG weapon-INST person-OBJ.FCI kill-POT-TR.2SG
2ЕД weapon-INST человек-ОБ.FCI убить-ПОТ-TR.2ЕД
"You could even kill a man with that rifle".
"Ты из ружья и человека можешь убить, оказывается".
Travelling to the tundra (1)
Qad'ir qańin qańqaːmori tuŋ mit qurul?
qad'ir qańin qaŃ-QAː-mori-Ø tu-ŋ mit qurul
DP когда холодный-ИНХ-ПОТ-ИНТЕР.3 DEM.PROX-ATTR 1МН небо
When will it get a little cooler here?
Когда же похоладает эта наша погода?