This list of lexical words found in the Tundra Yukaghir transcribed texts allows you to navigate directly to examples in the audio and video recordings.
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Search: ta. 709 total hits in 30 transcripts.
Pear story (TY1003) (21)
Taŋpə aptəllək taŋ öːŋiń mə=tadiŋaː.
ta -ŋ -pə(ŋ) aptə -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ öː(ŋ) -ŋiń mə= taND -iː -ŋa(m)
dist -attr -pl collect -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr child -dat aff= give -tr -tr.3pl
dist -attr -pl collect -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr ребенок -dat aff= дать -tr -tr.3pl
They gathered them and gave them to that boy.
Pear story (TY1000) (18)
Taŋ tude, l'eγə, taŋ tude urbaːqqə aptəllək kereːrələk tadaː tuːteːnul'əlum.
ta -ŋ tude l'e -γə ta -ŋ tude ïrbakhï.Y -γə aptə -R(ə)lək ker -Aː -R(ə)lək ta -Raː tuː -tə -nu -l'əl -u -m
dist -attr 3sg.gen be -loc dist -attr 3sg.gen shirt.Y -loc collect -ss.ant.cvb go.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -adv full -caus -ipfv -ev -0 -tr.3
dist -attr 3sg.gen быть -loc dist -attr 3sg.gen shirt.Y -loc collect -ss.ant.cvb идти.down -intr.punct -ss.ant.cvb dist -adv full -caus -ipfv -ev -0 -tr.3
He, erm, gathered them in his shirt, went down, and stored them there (sc. in the baskets).
Fire lighting rituals (TY0004) (6)
[ta] Taŋńəŋ tite, l'ələŋ, lukunburəbək lögitəŋumlə.
ta ta-ŋńə-ŋ tite l'ə-lə-ŋ lukul-N pure-bə-(ə)k lögi-t(ə)-ŋu-m(ə)lə
That's the way how they feed, uhm, the place (sc. where they were).
Это так местность кормили.
Travelling to the tundra (13)
Aa, tadaː molnunmək?
aha ta-daː mol-nun-mək
Oh, that's where you are staying?
Аа, там ночуешь?
"Tadaːt aγan kečit."
ta -Raː -t aγan keči -t(ə)
dist -adv -adv.abl certainly bring -fut(tr.1sg)
dist -adv -adv.abl certainly принести -fut(tr.1sg)
"I’ll bring some fire from there."
Оттуда я огонь сюда притащу."
Fire and the evil man (TY0003) (4)
Tadaːt aγan kečit.
ta-daː-t aγan keči-t(ə)-Ø
DEM.DIST-ADV-ABL certainly bring-FUT-TR.1SG
DEM.DIST-ADV-АБЛ certainly принести-ФУТ-TR.1ЕД
I’ll bring some fire from there."
Оттуда я огонь сюда притащу."
Pear story (TY1005) (19)
Tadaː buollaːnə eul'ə.
ta -Raː buollaγïna.Y eul'ə
dist -adv dp.Y
dist -adv dp.Y не.быть
But it wasn't there.
Pear story (TY1002) (17)
Tadaːt tudiń uːsəllək taŋ moŋolə mə=tadiŋaː tudiń.
ta -Raː -t tude -i -ń uː -s(ə) -R(ə)lək ta -ŋ moŋo -lə mə= taND -jiː -ŋa(m) tude -i -ń
dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -0 -def.dat go -caus -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr cap -acc aff= give -tr -tr.3pl 3sg -0 -def.dat
dist -adv -adv.abl 3sg -0 -def.dat идти -caus -ss.ant.cvb dist -attr cap -acc aff= дать -tr -tr.3pl 3sg -0 -def.dat
Then they brought him the hat and gave it to him.
Picture elicitation (TY1209) (7)
Taŋ, taŋ paipə saːlə meńdələk tuŋ keipə lajadəγət ugurčədəγə ... еще не ударила, все.
ta -ŋ ta -ŋ paipə saːl -lə meŃD' -R(ə)lək tu -ŋ keipə laja -də -γət ugurčə -də -γə
dist -attr dist -attr woman tree -acc take -ss.ant.cvb prox -attr man back -3poss.obl -abl foot -3poss.obl -loc
dist -attr dist -attr женщина дерево -acc взять -ss.ant.cvb prox -attr мужчина назад -3poss.obl -abl ступня -3poss.obl -loc
That, that woman took a tree and (hit) that man from behind on the leg ... no, she didn't hit him yet, that's it.
Picture elicitation (TY1202) (8)
Taγi kerewələ tanaːnum, [pa] saːlək.
Ta -Gi korova.R -lə tono -nu -m saːl -lək
dist -nom cow.R -acc chase -ipfv -tr.3 tree -ins
dist -nom корова.R -acc chase -ipfv -tr.3 дерево -ins
This one is driving a cow forward, with a stick.